Drs. Sam and Mark Bailey

The Existence of Viruses

Everything we’ve been taught about viruses and virology is completely wrong

About Dr. Sam Bailey: After training and practicing within the medical system for two decades, she commenced a new phase of understanding and promoting health as a wider concept.

In 2019, Sam launched her YouTube channel exposing the hidden scientific truths about health.

A few years later and after taking the red pill, Bailey’s channel has become a runaway hit with 20+ million views and 300,000+ subscribers to help people understand the simple ways they can take control of their health.

She is the co-author of Virus Mania, which examines how the medical industry continually invents epidemics to make billion-dollar profits at our expense.

About Dr. Mark Bailey: Mark is the husband of Dr Sam Bailey and when you see one of them, you are really seeing both of them. They started working together when they first met in 2007 and have been a close team ever since. Mark and Sam are based in New Zealand and have three children together.

Since early 2020 he has been the duo’s chief researcher with a focus on microbiology, the existence of viruses, as well as historical and epistemological issues within medical science.

'Drs. Sam and Mark Bailey | Everything We’ve Been Taught About Viruses and Virology Is Completely Wrong | August 29, 2023' have 6 comments

  1. August 31, 2023 @ 8:20 am John Schmitt

    Thank you Patrick for another great interview with the Baileys!!!


    • September 4, 2023 @ 1:43 pm Rex

      Virii do not exist.
      When you look at how they discovered and classified the ” virus (latin word for VENOM) you see how they scammed the whole deal. No empericzl s idnce st all.
      Just quackery.


      • September 9, 2023 @ 3:35 pm Trevor Smith

        The world’s psychopathic élites realised, from the Victorian era, that they could secretly mass-cull populations, once the technology of vaccines was sufficiently advanced. At that time, ‘smallpox’ (which, like all ‘viruses’, does not exist) vaccination was compulsory on pain of a £1 fine (US$187 adjusted to 2023). Non-payers were subject to seizure of goods or imprisonment. ‘Smallpox’ was merely the physical manifestation of malnutrition and unsanitary living conditions of the day.

        According to the élites’ perverted belief system, 2020 was to be the numerological date of their ‘final solution’ to reduce human numbers (by 93%) from 8 billion to the 500 million objective engraved on the Georgia guidestones.



        • October 9, 2023 @ 9:48 pm Rex

          Good comment..i would add that dmall poc ALSO was a chemical poisoning,just like enola waa formaldehyde poisoning. And marburg virus is to be Boomslang snake venom poisoning,factory made in chinese labs under usa directions. Dr ardis rumble.com
          Beatinb the bioweapon


      • June 2, 2024 @ 12:57 am Alarm McNaughton

        Thakn God we have some very discerning Doctors.
        So sad that in Canada alone there were 80 doctors as recorded by Brian shilhavey who drank the look said, took the jabs and are no longer with us.
        A lot of doctors worldwide are now either dead or very unwell from the likes.
        For truth on the NON- EXISTENCE of the “in-silico” as the claim touts “VIRUS¿¿¿”
        Read the PDF http://www.bit.ly/awcevidence
        There never was a “virus”


  2. October 14, 2023 @ 8:18 am Dan

    What is the Tobacco Mosaic Virus? I believe that was the first virus discovered. Do you have any answer to the original work done on that virus, or the subsequent classification of these viruses?


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