Tin Foil Hat Wednesday

Ed Strachar

Everything is Energy and all Energy can be Transformed


Hear several callers interact with Ed, telling their story and how the spiritual exercises Ed did with them in all cases increased their awareness and bring more light into their body/mind and who they are as Soul.


Join us for an exciting show. Ed will be offering on air healing where even on the recorded podcast , the energy and effect can be felt years later. He will take on callers and purify listener’s tap water, raise people’s vitality, protect from EMFs, remove curses and a whole host of Higher Dimensional possibilities.

Meet the Healing Genius®! A MOST POWERFUL Remote Distance Healer who specializes in Awakening Life Force and Reviving the Body’s Natural Ability to Heal.

Ed Strachar , Author/Speaker & Magical Distance Healer has tapped into a Powerful Universal Field of Energy that allows him to do seemingly miraculous, healings/energization of People in just a few minutes across any distance.

He has also trained many of The World’s Fastest Readers with his Reading Genius System. Previous to that, he invented a Computer Microchip used in Aerospace and Defense.

By education he is a Mathematician/ Electronics Engineer with many inventions & breakthroughs to his name. A dynamic speaker, coach and healer, worldwide helping people in over 50 countries.

Ed’s YOUTUBE Channel HEALING GENIUS is full of miracle stories of healing thru the net, from orphanages in India to Stage IV Cancer in Baltimore, many validated by or done with Medical Doctors, including Dr Wong’s incredible story of how his knee, shoulder and Spinal Stenosis were helped.

Visit Website: www.SelfHealingMastery.net 


Years ago Ed reached out to a variety of “healers” looking for help and eventually came in contact with Raymon Grace who really assisted him in changing his life for the better.  Fascinating story.

We thought we recognized the name and sure enough we had Mr. Grace on our show seven years ago…
Here’s the link, if you wold like to hear this show Raymon Grace Show, 2012
Ed talks about the long time programming and influence of Hollywood and where the name actually comes from

Ed has conversations and demonstrates spiritual exercises with three ladies who called in live

What is a negative Soul contract

Is it possible that a person can essentially put a curse on you

Those on the dark side are there for a reason, and that is to facilitate all of us to see the light

Some emails:  Ask Ed if he has any insight to the noise made in my head by flexing a muscle in the head by the ears, creating a rumbling sound. Thank you, Appreciate it

When you did the healing on the caller, I followed along and did the breathing and drinking water at the same time and I noticed that my heart issues went away. The arrhythmia and palpitations were non existent. I believe that my atrial fibrillation started when I began the separation process from my wife and today was the best relief I’ve had from symptoms. How can I continue to heal in this way?

please ask Ed to blast my health/psychological challenge that has rendered my life a gloomy mess…and also to fix my divorce from money. We had a nasty divorce , and I still love her and want her back. Seriously.


Ed Stracher with healing techniques for your to do at home with support or on your own, July 31st. 2019 ONE

Ed Stracher with healing techniques for your to do at home with support or on your own, July 31st. 2019 TWO

'Ed Strachar – Everything is Energy and all Energy can be Transformed – July 31, 2019' have 4 comments

  1. August 2, 2019 @ 9:59 am Allie

    Wow, Great show ! Can you get him monthly ? And maybe do Raymon Grace again.


  2. August 4, 2019 @ 6:40 pm SM

    What a great show. I followed along with the first call and felt a dark shadow lift from my heart a take off like a rocket. It has been raining here for days and as the shadow left I felt a warmth on my face as the sun broke through for a couple of minutes (raining again now). This is one show I will bookmark.

    kind regards from Auckland New Zealand.


  3. August 8, 2019 @ 9:17 pm Sandi

    Fab show!


  4. November 21, 2021 @ 9:32 am One

    I thought religion meant “realign” (with God) as in realign the “ligament”. Anyway, I wish the guest had talked more about aliens, their purpose here on earth and the dynamics of the latest UFO disclosures. I just wish we could work with the aliens to punch the force field (that’s around the earth) through, or help them do it somehow. Now they’re doing stuff on their own, and we’re doing our stuff, and it’s not working. This guy definitely knows some stuff. Good show.


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