Patrick Timpone

Ellen Landauer

Health Coach, Researcher, Writer and Certified Advanced Rolfer

May 10, 2012

Ellen Landauer is Health Coach, researcher and writer, as well as a Certified Advanced Rolfer (structural body therapist) with over 30 years of clinical experience.

For most of her life, Ellen has experimented in-depth with a wide variety of diets, fitness programs, body awareness, techniques to optimize mental functioning and energetic/emotional work.

From being a sproutarian to eventually an uncompromising paliolithic diet and everything in between, she utilized many approaches. Ellen speaks from her own experience and decades of working with people. She has heard countless stories of clients’ medical challenges. What worked, what did not work – and too many medical horror stories to count.

Her education was accelerated to warp speed by the challenge of healing severe bodily damage caused by mercury poisoning. Her condition had grown steadily worse during five years of constantly going to holistic medical doctors.

Ellen finally faced the only remaining option – to heal herself. She researched day and night to find answers. Saving her own life was instrumental in refining Ellen’s ability to discriminate among a dizzying array of products and therapies to single out the few that are of exceptional value.

Today she coaches people in a comprehensive approach derived from the work of many ground breaking medical experts and her own experience.

Ellen joined us this morning to share her experiences, primarily detoxing mercury with sweating, of which she gives an excellent tip that we had not thought of before. She then covered the importance of colon cleansing in the detoxification process. There’s a lot of vauluable information here. Enjoy the show.



ellen landauer, feeling is healing, may 11, 2012

'Ellen Landauer – Feeling Is Healing – Natural Alternative Health – May 10, 2012' have 3 comments

  1. May 13, 2012 @ 7:37 am bruce

    Hi Patrick, any reason why the commercials are louder than your main show? I rebound early in the morning when I am in Tofino, and listen to your show, and set it up to a good volume, but when the commercials come on it is way too loud. thanks for all you do. I really enjoy listening to all you shows and look forward to them.



  2. May 13, 2012 @ 8:33 am ptimpone

    Hi Bruce,

    Yes, we understand and have heard this before. We recently purchased a piece of equipment that is a compressor/limiter that will even out the volume levels on every thing, Patrick/guests and of course commercials. Good ears ! stay tuned and thanks for writing.



  3. May 13, 2012 @ 8:34 am ptimpone

    p.s. obviously it isn’t installed as yet, we will hire an engineer to do this :)


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