Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) had several names for the “emergency sinus point.” including …

ESP point,

emergency sinus reflex,

emergency sinus drainage point, and

spigot point,.

It’s a reflexology point located between the last two toes (the “earth” and “water” toes) on both feet.

Adano said …

“A person with emphysema is attracted to foods like cheese, milk, ice cream, hot cakes, sour cream, garlic bread, and spaghetti.

“Eat hot oranges for treatment and forgo all cheese, milk, and ice cream.

“The emergency sinus reflex is effective for terminal emphysema.

“Lay the person on his stomach just like treating a drowning man.

“Raise the legs by the knees to work the emergency sinus reflexes on both feet.

“The pain should feel like a red-hot poker.

“Working the ear points will also get mucus out fast.

“White mucus is OK, yellow mucus is not so good, and green mucus is bad.

“Brown mucus is dangerous, and means you’re close to death.”

(Mucopurulent phlegm is yellow to green in color, and usually indicates a respiratory problem. Brown phlegm may contain blood.)

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