EC9527A is 30-60% 2-Butoxyethanol by weight. 2-B ( I will use the
abbreviation 2-B ) is a main ingredient in many fertilizers, pesticides,
herbicides ( especially Roundup ), insecticides, fuels, fungicides,
cosmetics & leather treatment , and oddly enough, it is
commonly used for " handling " oil spills .

The main argument for the use of COREXIT
products, I have heard , is based on the studies of algae and microbial
life in the Gulf . This logic is blind to the consideration of the 4
crucial things. The proliferation rate of oleophillic microbial life (
The specific bacteria to the deep-water Gulf, Deltaproteobacteria, and
the powerhouse shallow water oil eater Alcanivorax borkumensis ) when
faced with an overabundance of food, the specific hydrocarbons they actually
eat, the depth and temperatures at which they thrive, and how 2-B can
kill them all before they get a chance to eat. People presenting these
arguments also don’t understand how the food chain works. Microbes
secrete their own surfactant molecules to break up the oil before
consuming the hydrocarbons. Other microbes don’t make surfactants but
devour oil already broken into small enough globs—including those broken
down by Alcanivorax. These microbes cannot proliferate until the Oxygen
is depleted from the water. The colder temp loving microbes eat only
short-chain hydrocarbons like gases, and the warmer clime-preferring
ones are easily killed by 2-B. In order for these cold temp
loving microbes to digest Hydrocarbon gases, these gases must first be
produced. The gases they actually do eat are methane (CH4
) ethane (C2H6), propane (C3H8)
and butane (C4H10). They gases they produce
are Hydrogen Cyanide and Hydrogen Sulfide.


breakdown products of COREXIT are CO2 and Carbon Monoxide, neither of
which stay suspended in salt-water at 5k+, nor do the indigenous
bacteria in the Gulf eat them. What does stay suspended in water is 2-B.


So that argument is moot.



2-B has never been tested on any type of marine
life for longer than 9 days, and the effects that are known, is
that its mutagenic , teragenic and carcinogenic. As far as the testing
on humans or other mammals , there is plenty, its all below. Of course
if you don’t care, then don’t read it.


In the
United States, the primary manufacturers of 2-B are : Eastman Chemical,
Dow Chemical and Equistar. Monsanto and Dow AgroSciences LLC, a
subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company, are in partnership to develop GM
crops. Monsanto sales of GM seeds in the US cover 90% of the
market.There are also projects being undertaken by Makhteshim Agan, an Israeli bio-engineering firm
purchased by Cibus Global .





Here is
Monsantos sales report for the first 2 quarters of 2009, so you can see the scope of 2-Bs use
in the states.


2-B is
the very same chemical used as an adjuvient in herbicides like Roundup.
Most genetically modified crops like. Roundup-Ready Corn. as well as a majority of the
, oilseed and vegetable crops in the continental US.
are engineered to resist Roundup. Monsanto also pushed for the passage of
laws preventing farmers from saving their own seed without state
, thus forcing many to purchase Monsanto GM
seedstock. The plants are also engineered to be sterile, forcing farmers
to purchase expensive seedstock for every growing season. The official
name for these seeds is the " Terminator series.


2004 and 2005, Monsanto filed lawsuits against many farmers in Canada
and the U.S. on the grounds of patent infringement, specifically the
farmerssale of seed containing Monsantos patented genes. In some
cases, farmers claimed the seed was unknowingly sown by wind carrying
the seeds from neighboring crops, a claim rejected in Monsanto Canada Inc. v. Schmeiser.
These instances began in the mid to late 1990s, with one of the most
significant cases being decided in Monsantos favor by the Canadian Supreme Court. By a
5-4 vote in late May 2004, that court ruled that "by cultivating a
plant containing the patented gene and composed of the patented cells
without license, the appellants (canola farmer Percy Schmeiser) deprived the respondents
of the full enjoyment of the patent." With this ruling, the Canadian
courts followed the U.S. Supreme Court in its decision on patent issues
involving plants and genes.

Please read the rest at The OtheЯ News.

Be seeing you.

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