Esther Joy van der Werf

Optimal Eyesight: How to Restore and Retain Great Vision

Few people are aware of the option of improving eyesight naturally.
All that most of us know is when our eyesight deteriorates, we can choose between either (stronger) glasses, or contact lenses, or becoming a guinea pig for the currently popular laser surgery industry. However, in the 1920s, Dr. Bates, a prominent eye surgeon in New York, developed a safe and effective natural option:Come explore natural ways of going from blur to clarity.
When you know what causes blurry vision you can do the opposite.
Then you will soon have better vision without glasses.
You’ll be glad to know that vision improvement can be EASY!
(And it is definitely NOT a regimen of eye exercises.)

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This interview will answer questions like:

– What is the Bates Method & how did Esther get involved in it?
– Most people want to know why their eye doctor doesn’t know about this.
– Nearly everyone thinks vision improvement equals eye exercises, but the Bates Method is not about exercises (so then what is it about…)
– Is it time consuming or hard to improve eyesight?
– What eye conditions benefit most from these techniques?
– How can I learn more about this?
We delved into the world of natural vision and the Bates Method and some of the topics covered are:
The eyes themselves are not weak, it is the muscles around the eyes
eye strain and tension is essentially the cause of all vision problems.
nearsightedness can also be with a person who isn’t comfortable with looking into the future
Researchers are showing the cataracts and glaucoma are actually focal infections in the eyes
Exercises specific for far and near nearsightedness can cure and drop the need for glassess
prescription glasses actually make the eyes weaker
Some email questions asked and answered:
It seems like this could be another conspiracy to protect the eyeglasses industry, just like our allopathic medical system protects big pharma.

I had Lasik eye surgery……………. how does that effect everything in healing   I cannot undo the surgery… now what ?

please ask your guest what causes your eyes to run water


Esther Joy van der Werf on The Bates Method and curing the eyes to never need glasses again, November 15, 2019

'Esther Joy van der Werf – Optimal Eyesight: How to Restore and Retain Great Vision – November 14, 2019' has 1 comment

  1. December 30, 2019 @ 11:18 am Sean

    I have been practicing Bates for many years and have improved my vision incredibly


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