Andrew Gause


Andrew Gause may just be the top man anywhere for the highest quality analysis into the world of money we all live in. Andrew is a currency historian, an internationally recognized expert on the United States monetary system. He’s written two books, “The Secret World of Money” and “Uncle Sam Cooks the Books”. You can order these books as well as speak to Andrew personally. As a One Radio Network listener, you’ll have highest priority in his phone time. His # is 800.468.2646
The Real World of Money New

The Real World of Money Andrew Gause

The Real World of Money


Show Highlights:

-BREXIT a Black Swan event and there will be more

-Andy gives his analysis on this major event that he says is just the beginning of massive inflation

-Is this the genesis for more World Wide push back on the elite globalist agenda?

-Here sound on Alan Greenspan, former FED Chairman on BREXIT and a future Gold Standard for the Dollar

-MP Farage in the UK with sound at a meeting with the EU big wigs

-Currency values are volatile World Wide as they don’t like uncertainty

-We ask if a One World currency could be done to benefit all

-Chicago asking to be bailed out by We The People after using all the school taxes for something else

-Question from a listener:What’s a simple answer that my 12 year old students could understand for why adults work so hard but still have a hard time making ends meet? My audience is South Korean – these guys work hard compared to a lot of other countries, but things seem to be gradually going down hill here for the middle class, especially after the 1998 financial crisis. The impression is that someone seems to be taking their labor efforts while their payment for that labor compared to the cost of living seems to be shrinking. My impression may be off but your insight is appreciated!

-Taxes on a national level for gasoline, airports etc. are “borrowed” to use on something else

-If FEMA camps ever come into play, people will walk in on their own without the use of force

-Question from a listener:I’m hearing Andy say there’s no chance in hell they’ll raise interest rates this year. Are short term treasury notes still a good place to be, just rolling them over at maturity? Guess that would have to be better than letting MZM sit in the bank, right? What does Andy think will happen next year?

-Question from a listener: I love Andy’s analogy for Democracy as 3 wolves and 1 sheep voting on what to have for lunch.What is the counterpart analogy the illustrates a Republic?

-Buy now or wait to buy a home in the UK?

-Question from a listener:I’ve read several reports of the Pope encouraging voters to stay n the EU rather than leave, and now he seems to want a great big happy family.How did the Pope actually feel about Brexit and How is he handling the decision to leave?

-Iceland elects a new president who’s not a politician or a businessman

-The dollar/ illegal drug connection explained

-Question from a listener:Banks do not currently take into account one’s assets in reviewing a mortgage application. Was this always the case? Will this change?Also, if one claims a coin collection as an asset, then does that coin collection then go from “invisible” to “visible,” as that relates to “if they can see it, they can seize it.”

-Question from a listener:Dr. Jennifer Daniels suggested a few weeks back on OneRadioNetwork suggested that the US Dollar is being supported by opium/cocaine from Afghanistan. That sounds like an opinion based on the ‘Hat Trick Newsletter’. What is Mr. Gause’s expert view on this perspective? Sounds like Brexit changed the necessity of this affect?

-Ever wonder what a short squeeze on stocks is?

and so much more!!

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andrew gause and the real world of money, june 29, 2016, hour one

'Andrew Gause and The Real World of Money – BREXIT Kicks Off A Real Honest to Goodness Bull Market in Gold and Silver – June 29, 2016' have 2 comments

  1. July 2, 2016 @ 11:20 am Al

    Is there a link to the speech by Trump where he expalins that about Hilary beinga shill for big money and bad trade deals? I bleieve it was on this episode. Thanks


    • July 2, 2016 @ 11:23 am Al

      Sorry Patrick, I posted too quickly without checking for typos. Please delete that post. Should have read;

      Is there a link to the speech by Trump where he explains that about Hilary being a shill for big money and bad trade deals? I believe it was on this episode. Thanks


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