Extracting Water From Air

By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

John Nordberg knows how to tap into the 37.5 million billion gallons of water recycled around the planet 40 times per year … without the need for clouds or rain.

The Great Reset wants none of it.


Boston (yes, Boston, not Davos) wants us to remain prisoners of their outmoded and wasteful supply chains — water, food, medicine, power, etc.

The Fat Cats love shoveling fake bad news to the Sheep-Bots …

“Millions of Americans Living Without Access to Safe Drinking Water.”

“50,000 security disasters waiting to happen: A series of cyberattacks on water facilities highlights the precarious security situation facing U.S. supplies.”


According to John Nordberg …

“Rain comes from the humidity in the air. The key is a cold front. DOAWGs [Desert Oasification Atmospheric Water Generators] make a constant cold front, allowing a constant rain in hot, humid conditions.”

“DOAWGs need to be tested and optimized. A program is needed in the US. It is recommended that these tests are performed in drought stricken areas of Texas and Oklahoma.”

“Areas of the American southwest are experiencing long-term drought conditions. The list of related problems is huge. A simple solution for humid areas is implementing DOAWGS.”

“The Mega Lake Chad Basin — mainly in Niger, and Chad — would be an ideal area to test DOAWGS. This region could become the breadbasket of Africa — and provide new habitat for endangered species.”

“Hot and humid deserts can be transformed into grasslands, savannas, farmlands, even tropical rainforest, providing food and animal habitat — and sequestering massive amounts of carbon.”

“Plant life and microbial soil life act as important water reservoirs. So-called experts of forest fire management are consistently making grave mistakes by destroying these water reservoirs.”

“I did not patent DOAWGs. People can build them on their own now. Research is needed. Businesses should be started.”


DOAWGs are basically very big dehumidifiers making use of earth pipes and the dew point.


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