Fibro-Fatty Nodules

By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

Re: What do you think about subfascial fat herniation? I feel like the princess in the “princess and the pea” story. What might be causing this fat tissue? How can I get rid of it without any operation, anesthetics, bag full of money, etc. I need to make it dissolve or disappear.

I learned how to massage them out of the lower back from my Sufi mentor Adnan Sarhan back in 1975.

He called them “little mousies,” so I was amused to see subfascial fat herniation called “back mice” in cyberspace.

Adnan pulverized those “little mousies” while his “patients” screamed.

I prefer a much gentler approach, advising people to get a boyfriend or girlfriend to use deep massage on those fibro-fatty nodules every day.

If you live alone, move back and forth with a tennis ball or racquetball under the small of your back.


This petrified fat interferes with no less than three acupuncture meridians — Large Intestine, Small Intestine, and Circulation-Sex.

“Back mice” indicate a calcium metabolism issue. You are WHEN and WHAT you eat.


The Medical Police State’s evildoers love this syndrome because it’s so common.

It’s an opportunity to sell Sheep-Bots local anaesthetic injections, steroid injections, and excision.


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