Fred Dashevsky

The Real World of Money

Fred Dashevsky is from Long Island New York. He attended University of New York at Albany and studied psychology, political science, and economics. Fred started in the coin business in 1984 in Northern New Jersey opening several offices in Southern California in the mid 80s. He returned to the east coast in 1989 and opened Hilton head office for SDL Inc. in 1991 with partner Andrew Gause. He has since opened his own business, U.S. Coin Capitol. Give him a call for your numismatic gold investments 800.878.2646


Unprecedented separation of Democrat and Republican camps.  Almost 100% division now.

Proposed 3 trillion dollar spending plan may have some sensible proposals, but we’re now 2 decades away from sound money policy.  Financing the country on stimulus.

What methods has the Fed historically used to stimulate economic activity or control inflation?  Why are their hands tied now?

What is the danger of market activity now being confined to one player, the Fed?

If it begins to stall, it begins to fall.

What’s the difference between the stagflation of the Carter era and today’s stalled economy?

Why is raising interest rates like slamming on the brakes?  A tight rope between controlling inflation versus sending the economy into recession.

Nixon taking the US off the gold standard started the 70s era stagflation.

Every new president since Reagan has spent more than their predecessor.  We’re now spending 123% of the current GDP.

We shouldn’t have to fight the dollar being continually manipulated.  Printing of additional capitol dilutes the value of everyone’s financial resources.

New money laundering rules mean seller must divulge personal information of the buyer to the feds.  Those rules apply to gold sales but not to numismatic coins.

Listener asks: What are the implications of a digital FedCoin? 

Will they ever impose means testing on receiving social security?

Unprecedented rate of the expansion of the money supply and the size of the volume being created.  Price increases are a symptom.  Increasing public awareness of the problems.

If the economy gets stalled, interest rates, now at almost zero, can’t be dropped enough to restimulate the economy.  The Feds have no tools left to kickstart the economy.

What aren’t gold and silver prices higher? 

The Feds want the public to think they have control of the economy.  They want to avoid panic.

If cryptos weren’t around, where would that money be?

Turkey’s inflation is 38%, South American countries inflation also very high.  How high will it go in the US?

Fauci says fully vaccinated means also being up to date on the boosters.

'Fred Dashevsky – Our Political Climate Is Unprecedented – January 5, 2021' has 1 comment

  1. January 17, 2022 @ 11:59 am Guyfranke

    Deficit spending creates a compromised future purchasing power because of mounting debt service in that future


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