Gabriel Cousens, MD

Whole Person Healing


Dr. Cousens says there are a few essential nutrients that should be added to all diets, meat eaters and vegans


For 45 years, Gabriel Cousens, MD, MD(H), ND(hc), DD (Doctor of Divinity), Dip. Ayurveda, Dip. American Board of Holistic Integrative Medicine, Rabbi, acknowledged Yogi, and Native American Sundancer, has been integrating the best of the different healing traditions to give his clients a fully multi-disciplined, multi-cultural approach to holistic medicine, psychiatry, and family and couple dynamics, in addition to his experience as an internationally recognized spiritual teacher. He specializes not only in helping people reach their highest octave of wellbeing, but also in reversing all types of chronic diseases, including Pre-Diabetes, Type-2 Diabetes, and “the Broken Brain”. Healing “the Broken Brain” includes reversing anxiety, depression, “brain fog”, memory loss, decreased cognition, alertness, concentration, and focus. His best-selling books There Is a Cure for Diabetes and Depression Free for Life detail some of his methodology and remarkable successes.

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Dr. Cousins gives some advice as far as what he believes is essential supplementation for all diets, carnivore or vegans

Vegetables do loose some nutrients with cooking

Most bodies require only about  35 – 70 grams of protein per day

In 1936 a Senate report was clear that the soil in the U.S. was lacking essential minerals for life

Men +65 revolution around the sun require a bit more protein

Dr. Cousens found that his exercise routine of pull ups and push ups were dramatically increased with E3 Live

Animal fats are toxic to the beta cells

Fish fat is just as detrimental to the body as ground animal fats

Dr. Cousens recommends Omega Zen for vegan EPA and DHA

He suggests all Souls require supplemental B=12, his favorite is the one from Premier Research Labs

CAFO, the majority of animals slaughtered for human consumption has special dangerous issues

Dr. Cousens goes into great detail on the idea of Spiritual Nutrition, what it means and how food affects the mind

Dr. Cousens is quite concerned on the proposed 5 G Network and we’ll soon have a paper on it for you here

Dr. Cousens has a limited amount of openings for personal consultation.  Also he does weekly Satsangs.  All information can be found on his website

D3-K2 740 X 90 Woman in the Sun


Dr. Gabriel Cousens M.D. on spiritual nutrition, true holistic veganism, January 17, 2019

'Gabriel Cousens, MD – Spiritual Nutrition, Vegan Lifestyle and True Holistic Veganism – January 17, 2019' have 4 comments

  1. January 19, 2019 @ 4:07 pm Kildare

    I can’t listen to vegans anymore….how about carnivores? There is a movement growing on youtube who are following the Ajonus V. diet or similar. It’s great to see so many people healing.


  2. January 19, 2019 @ 4:23 pm robert cohl,d.c.

    I just sat done today in my Infrared Sauna, and put on this interview. When I was in Chiropractic school I picked up a book by Dr. Gabriel Cousens. The timing was perfect! Spiritual Nutrition and the Rainbow Diet. 1986. I embraced many of his recommendations for optimum health at that time, and have been following his advice through his books over the years ever since. Today’s conversation (Jan 17, 2019) adds to the wealth of knowledge, and it is great to see he still helping people all over the planet.
    Robert M. Cohl, D.C


  3. January 22, 2019 @ 5:46 pm Frank Miller

    One thing Cousens did not address is raw or cooked eggs. Assuming eggs would not contain the undesirable endocrine hormones resulting from the pain and suffering of the killed animal. His opinion on animal fat being toxic to beta cells did not specify if raw or cooked animal fat would make a difference. Or if moderation in cooked animal fat consumption would resolve this issue. Overall the interview was encouraging for someone who spent 15 years as a relatively healthy vegan, albeit with supplementation as Cousens describes. It can be done, the devil is in the details.


  4. January 23, 2019 @ 8:40 am Robin

    Dr. Cousins is clearly a very smart man but I disagree that world hunger can be stopped if we all ate vegan.
    World hunger is created purposely by the powers that be and has nothing to do with eating meat or anything else.
    There is no lack of food or water, all lack is man made to control populations and keep us all afraid.


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