George Altgelt

One of Our Favorite Gardening Gurus


Some things George covers: How can we grow the most mineral rich food, more on the destruction of soil and our health from glyphosates, planting your fall garden and George will answer all of your gardening questions so send them in or call in during the LIVE show


George studied Chemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology at The University of Texas, Austin and started Austin’s first organic nursery in 1971 before organic was cool. He has considerable knowledge in all areas of food production, including the proper care and feeding of animals for food. He has a deep understanding of the principals of agriculture and nutrition. We think you’ll find George a delight to spend time with.

Geo Growers Videos


George mentioned Don Huber and his research and listener Steve sent this along for us.

Dr. Don Huber has over 55 years of experience in the science of food safety, germ warfare, disease outbreaks, and plant diseases.  He has worked in high-level government and military positions for decades as well as teaching plant pathology as Professor Emeritus at Purdue University.  In this presentation he discussed GMOs and glyphosate.  At 34:50 ( Dr. Huber pointed out a study that shows GMO-fed pigs’ intestines so red and inflamed that evaluating scientists declared “It’s consistency was more like a pile of snot than it was a biological tissue.”  Here is a an image from the video -


This is a great show with George.  We dig into getting more minerals into your soil for year round gardening.

George talks about Richard Olree’s work with Yttrium…and, of course we plugged away Living Streams Bifido that is a sure way to get this miracle nutrient in your body. 

George encourages all to not buy genetically modified foods, the surest way to end the use of Round Up aka Glyphosates

He said consumers simply demanded the RGBH hormones once used with forcing cows to make more milk is virtually gone from the landscape.

George said that we need some Boron for the magnesium to be absorbed in the body

George recommends Texas Plant and Soil Labs to get an affordable testing done on your you know what is lacking or in too abundant supply

Some emails:  What does George think about heirloom vs hybrid tomatoes? I’m growing
both in the NY area, and I find that the hybrid plants are a lot more prolific. Does he think there is any difference in the nutritional qualities between the two? What does George recommend for organic minerals and supplements for the soil to produce the most tasty and nutritious tomatoes?

We Love Your show and Georges great dirt and other products at Geogrowers. My question is can you create and maintain a worm farm or compost with worms in the Austin area and maintain it throughout the year? We live near the Travis /Hayes county line

I started a new garden in a community garden plot and I had some issues this summer. The people who had it before me used wood chips as mulch, and I have added more wood chips to try the Back to Eden method like Paul Gautschi. I think I have a nitrogen deficiency issue and possibly a pH problem. It is a very heavy, dark clay soil and we have an issue with too much moisture retention. The entire Onion family and beans did awesome, but peppers and squash did really poorly. Tomatoes started well, but we had a wet, cool start to summer, so tomatoes got hit badly with blight. How would you suggest getting my soil tested and do you have any other ideas for what type of amendments I can use?

George Altgelt with great info on mineralizing your soil and updates on glyphosates, September 5, 2019

'George Altgelt – Get Minerals Into Your Garden’s Soil and Vegetables – September 5, 2019' has 1 comment

  1. September 16, 2019 @ 1:51 am Connie Ferrell

    Always enjoy George’s spirited knowledgeable talk about soils and other topics. Thanks for having him on


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