
Patrick Timpone

George Altgelt

Biologist, Soil & Gardening Expert

“One hour wasn’t enough.”That’s what we were told after George’s last interview, so we invited him on today for 2 hours to answer all your questions on gardening; maximizing nutrition in your vegetables; enriching soil and more!

George studied Chemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology at The University of Texas, Austin and started Austin’s first organic nursery in 1971 before organic was cool. He has considerable knowledge in all areas of food production, including the proper care and feeding of animals for food. He has a deep understanding of the principals of agriculture and nutrition. We think you’ll find George a delight to spend time with.


Show Highlights:

-George has a fig tree, but it won’t bare fruit due to not having the right wasps to pollinate it. The wasps it needs are native to CA, but it’s illegal to ship them to TX; what’s up with that?

-Our pollinators are being destroyed by glyphosate in the pesticides

-What is lacking in a vegetable plant when the leaves are light green?

-George recommends Texas Plant and Soil Lab to test your soil

-Iodine: The master mineral; George talks extensively about iodine and believes the body needs different amounts of iodine on different days; why we’re not getting enough iodine and what is depleting it; where does iodized salt fit in?

-Fatcapping your soup; George talks about storing soup without refrigeration just in case the electricity goes out. Interesting concept.

-The overall rule to using the moon when planting seeds

-John, from Dallas, calls in to ask what kind of mineral supplement George uses

-The importance of trace amounts of minerals including arsenic

-George explains how the salt-based fertilizers of the 1950s depleted the soil of sulfur

-Putting wood chips on the soil is a great idea; mixing them in the soil is not. What’s the difference?

-Why clover shows up and thrives in the garden

-How does one go about or the process of taking as an example a one acre of a mixture of trees, weeds, bushes etc. on heavy clay soil that has never been used and turn it into a sustainable growing vegetable acre….the process?

-Must one plow and heavy till the acre or could it be done without disturbing the soil web..a no-till?

-A listener wants to know if Georgewere to design a “Grow Your Own Food” Year Round System, what type of greenhouse (size, materials), heating system, growing system, water system, soil and seeds/plant choices should be selected

-Why George chooses growing in soil over hydroponics

-Using a seed starting medium

-What’s the best way to plant in hard clay soil when you don’t want to put a lot of expensive soil amendments on it?

-Whats a inexpensive ground-cover that clogs out the weeds?

-What to do to make an orange tree healthy?

-George addresses Alzheimers and dementia

-Why you should always choose organic tea

and so much more!!!!

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george altgelt on nutrition in the soil and in your body, april 28, 2015, hour one

'George Altgelt – Biologist, Soil & Gardening Expert Answers All Your Questions On Gardening, Minerals and Nutrition – April 28, 2015' has 1 comment

  1. March 11, 2020 @ 8:41 am Lisa

    Figs, don’t always need wasps to pollinate. I have figs that don’t need pollination and they fruit well in VA. Are there differences in the nutrition between pollinated fig and non pollinated figs? Thank you.


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