George Altgelt
George studied Chemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology at The University of Texas, Austin and started Austin’s first organic nursery in 1971 before organic was cool. He has considerable knowledge in all areas of food production, including the proper care and feeding of animals for food. He has a deep understanding of the principals of agriculture and nutrition. We think you’ll find George a delight to spend time with.
What about avian flu? Birds are one of the few species we share viruses with. E.g. chicken pox. Childhood diseases mature us immunologically and are markers of autonomy. They are necessary.
Measles killed 90% of every Native American population it hit. But immunity to it developed quickly and then only 30% of the population died. Not a lethal disease to them anymore. This was the usual course of new diseases.
Measles, mumps, chicken pox are detoxification pathways. Dr. Massey says 1918 flu epidemic was unexpressed grief from WWI. People succumb to emotional burdens and need to clear them. Homeopathy was successful in treating 1918 flu.
George’s chicken had chicken pox. Theorized it was deficient in iodine. George swabbed 2% Lugol’s solution on the chicken and 72 hours later all the chicken pox was gone. It’s not a virus, it’s a mineral deficiency.
Vector for avian flu said to be rubber tires on dirt roads. Really?
Chickens eat grains, that then digest in the craw, and that gets rid of the phytates. Is why they do well with grains.
George swabbed a person that had shingles with iodine. 72 hours, no visible signs of shingles on her back. Tried 6 drops of iodine in eyewash and the shingles went away from her eye.
Iodine is the master mineral within the body.
What mineral deficiency causes avian flu? Don’t know, so feed chicken something rich in all minerals. Seaweed is a great mineral source.
Are chickens getting avian flu because they are declaring their autonomy and rebelling against their cramped living conditions?
Raw milk is digestible. Pasteurization collapses the protein of casein into a brick and makes it hard to digest. Raw milk clabbers and is still good. What spoils milk is not bad for you if it’s unpasteurized. But spoiling agents of pasteurization are quite toxic.
Pour unpasteurized fresh milk through a dirty sock and it forms cottage cheese. Lactobacillus bifidis is good for the immune system.
Viruses reside in the body and slow you down when you need to. 80% of the population has herpes in them. It has survival value for the cardiovascular system. We can’t catch herpes from someone. It’s there and expresses with trauma and stress.
Hepatitis B vaccine offered in San Francisco in 1978. A connection with HIV starting then in vaccine trial participants?
Some boys these days have such low testosterone they never experience puberty.
Today’s norm of low testosterone levels could be another means of depopulation.
Need iodine to regulate use and efficiency of lithium in the body. The amount of iodine in salt is pathetically low. Get it from a food source like seaweed. Iodine pushes bromine out of the body.
What about the food shortage the media is pushing? Could vegetables be short? Possibly, but they especially want to cut out meat. It counters empty calorie and nutrient insufficient foods.
Chemtrails have compounded aluminum, which ties up boron. Plants use boron. Without boron, pine forests and other trees die. For a 10×10 garden, use 1 cup boron. Tissue analysis is best way to test plans for mineral sufficiency.
Good products – Fertilizers with seaweed, sea water products with salt removed. Molybdenum helps minerals distribute throughout the plant. Fish emulsion- good nitrogen source. Ferment prickly pear cactus pods – burn the thorns off them. Wood as a surface mulch only – it robs nitrogen from soil.
At the time of the Victory Gardens in WWII, US was rated as the healthiest country.
Are GMO-grains okay for chicken? Probably has a glyphosate residue and mineral deficiencies.
Glyphosate is an amino acid mimic, probably mimicking glycine. Humans don’t have a shikimate pathway, but our microbiota do. Artificial meat is 18% higher in glyphosate residue than real meat.
Can we get sufficient nutrition with totally organic vegetables, cheese, milk, grains, legumes, meat? Not necessarily. Often the feed stock for animals is deficient. If deficient in cobalt, eggs are deficient in B12.
How to test if nutrition is satisfactory? Full Spectrum blood analysis. Testing all the metabolites that minerals affect.
Negative T3 is best thyroid test.
Why did Whole Foods take down their Andi score of produce health?
Beets and shitake mushrooms correct genetic damage.
George’s website:Â
Patrick recommends juicing beets with asparagus. Beet-Asparagus Protocol.
'George Altgelt – Robust Immunity, Correcting Genetic Damage, the Magic of Iodine & More! – April 19, 2022' have 4 comments
April 20, 2022 @ 12:47 pm James
You know it’s spring when George is on. I love all his interviews.
April 20, 2022 @ 4:38 pm Lynne
Hello Gentlemen; We hope you can get George back on right away for another great conversation when we’re not so stressed for time. The insights and information are invaluable astonishing and entertaining. Thank you so much.
April 24, 2022 @ 4:38 pm Katie
Regarding iodine. I am 73 years old. When I put a few drops of Lugols iodine on my breasts (an anti-cancer thing), I menstruate for a day or 2. Have not been able to find info on this. I imagine it’s a detox thing. Not going to a doctor. They’ll probably want to take my uterus out. I feel fine.
May 2, 2022 @ 9:46 pm Lia
Hello Katie,
Since Dr. Jonathan Wright recommends iodine drops on the breasts, you could write and ask his Tahoma clinic about your reaction to iodine.