Patrick Timpone


Greg Caton

Black Salve and Cancer

Greg CatonGreg Caton has worked extensively in “designer foods,” as well as alternative medicine and nutrition products since 1981. He graduated from L.A. Valley College, is a U.S. Navy veteran, and the author of three books, Lumen: Food for a New Age, MLM Fraud(1991) on corruption in the multi-level marketing industry and the tools to identify the work of its perpetrators — since banned in the U.S., and the online book, Meditopia®.
In 1995 he created Alpha Omega Labs, which became a provider of over 300 alternative health products with 14distributors around the world, before its closure by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration in September, 2003. It successfully reopened in Ecuador in June, 2008.

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Show Highlights:

-Corruption in the federal system. See chapter 3 at

-We’re living on a dying planet. Entering sixth mass extinction. Wilbert Ferguson’s cancer-beating 7-herb remedy, amatosin, can no longer be made because some of the herbs are now extinct.

-Cansema (black salve) info at, chapters 1,2, & 4.

-2 forms of Cansema, topical for skin cancer and internal for internal cancers.

-Cansema alters the membrane of a cancer cell while leaving normal cells alone. Most effective for skin cancer, the most common form of cancer. – do not ever cut into a cancer unless you want it to spread.

-Not all black salve is Cansema. Instructions on YouTube for making it. Most products on Amazon & eBay are counterfeit.

-There is no cancer cell type that will not react with an escharotic salve. If it doesn’t react, it’s not cancer.

-Hydrogen therapy for general health.

-Cancer has morphed and is not the cancer of 50 years ago. Cancer is more aggressive and complex now, making prior natural treatments ineffective.

-The cause of cancer is subjecting the human body to conditions it’s not able to properly deal with.

-We have constructed a civilization that is anti-human. Homo industrialus.

and more!!!


greg caton and known cure for cancer, cansema, november 1, 2016

'Greg Caton – Black Salve, Cansema, and Cancer – November 1, 2016' have 6 comments

  1. November 1, 2016 @ 5:34 pm Jina

    One of the most interesting, knowledgable and informative guests you have had on your show for a very long time. What a shame you could not have him on longer. Please invite this guest on again soon.


  2. November 2, 2016 @ 12:52 am john oneill

    hi Greg Caton , just letting you know we love you man !


  3. November 3, 2016 @ 3:11 pm Ria

    Thoroughly enjoyed this interview. MORE please, bring him back.


  4. November 8, 2016 @ 12:32 pm Dr. James Chappell

    I have known Greg for many years. I even flew to Ecuador to meet him. He is truly one of my heroes.


  5. November 21, 2016 @ 11:04 am F. Young

    Great interview. I can attest to Greg’s integrity and honour as he has been most helpful in working with us after my husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer. He has been taking the Amazon III tonic and Sangre de Drago and all is well. He also applied the black salve to a spot on his cheek and the salve worked its way through the sore and killed it. The dermatologist here suspected it was precancerous. We are grateful to Greg and his wife for their ongoing commitment to helping people during the most difficult times after getting a cancer diagnosis.


  6. November 28, 2016 @ 6:11 pm Rob

    SO are we talking about adding 1 OZ of hydrogen peroxide to 1 gallon of water for everyday use as maintenance?


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