April 10th, 2013

Alzheimer’s disease affects an estimated 5 million Americans. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, one in three senior citizens dies with Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia. So what is being done about this disease that leads our older populations to lose their memory, have delusions, and even lose the ability to feed and care for themselves? While the most common treatments are pharmaceuticals, there are other options available. One such solution for Alzheimer’s that has been gaining massive recognition is the use of coconut oil.

Coconut Oil Reverses Dementia, Alzheimer’s

While solid scientific studies on the role of coconut oil in the treatment of Alzheimer’s are lacking, several case studies have been presented to the public in recent years that have drawn a positive connection. In these, we learn of Alzheimer’s patients who began taking coconut oil daily and found significant improvements in their condition.

In one such case, a 67-year old British man had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s so serious that any drug treatment would simply be pointless. His son remarked to the Daily Mail that his father couldn’t wash himself, use the toilet, or feed himself. He had lost much of his faculties. After finding a YouTube video from Dr. Mary Newport suggesting coconut oil, he began mixing it in his father’s food. Within a period of six months, his father’s condition dramatically improved—to the point of him having normal conversations, going on walks with family, and even remembering his insurance number.

That YouTube video from Dr. Mary Newport was the first to bring major attention to the Alzheimer’s/coconut oil connection. It was Dr. Newport who initially researched the potential application of the oil after her husband’s condition dramatically deteriorated with Alzheimer’s.

Dr. Newport discovered that Alzheimer’s was similar to a “diabetes of the brain”, where the brain couldn’t use glucose properly due to an insulin problem. Because Alzheimer’s brains can’t utilize glucose as fuel, they began to die, cell by cell. Dr. Newport found that ketones provide an alternate fuel source. Ketones are created by the liver when we eat medium chain triglycerides, like those in coconut oil.

Three weeks after beginning a coconut oil regimen, Dr. Newport’s husband saw major improvements. He improved intellectually, emotionally, and physically.

Obviously, more research is needed on how the oil works and if it could be an effective treatment, but if a loved one is suffering from Alzheimer’s, supplementing with organic coconut oil may be a simple natural solution. After all, it’s also effective at killing viruses, bacteria, fungi, yeast, and parasites. In other words, it’s a healthy choice for everyone. Experience coconut oil health benefits today.

Listen to our interview with Dr. Mary Newport

Mary Newport M.D. – Alzheimer’s Disease: What If There Was a Cure? – Providing Energy to the Brain with Ketones – July 31, 2012

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