Patrick Timpone


Christian Wilde

Author ofHidden Causes of Heart Attack and Stroke and Miracle Stem Cell Heart Repair


Few people are aware of the more than 4400 government trials that have been in progress using adult stem cells for more than 87 major diseases. The documented current stem cell progress is nothing short of incredible. The full color Christian Wilde Stem Cell and Turmeric Research Report has been informing families of the ongoing promise of stem cell research and what exciting breakthroughs lie ahead to help your family or friends live longer healthier lives.

The growing body of scientific evidence on the benefits of turmeric is now a regular ongoing part of the report. It is now the Christian Wilde Stem Cell and Turmeric Research Report. The information is astounding.

Show Highlights:

-CT scans-Measuring the calcification in the arteries

-Neutralizing fibrinogen ; Fibrinogencreates calcification

-50% of all heart attacks happen to people with normal cholesterol

-Addressing congestive heart failure; what does it mean to be in congestive heart failure? There’s 22 million people in the world dying of it.

-There is a solution for congestive heart failure; Mr. Wilde explains the use of stem cells from the leg.

-The therapeutic benefits of turmeric are too many too mention, but Mr. Wilde gives a few

-Niacin raises homocysteine; proceed with caution as it gets a little complicated

-The importance of CoQ 10, especially when taking statins

-Things that cause a rise in your inflammation

-The critical importance of a HSCRP test, a test more important than your cholesterol

-Turmeric: The greatest food to fight inflammation. Isn’t it interesting that only 1% of India’s aging population suffer from Alzheimers

-Curcumin and turmeric: The strength comes from being taken together

-A caller calls in to remind us of a guest we had on last year who recommended cooking the turmeric first; does it matter whether it’s taken raw or cooked?

-Mr. Wilde brings up the topic of the Blue Zones. We did a show on them a couple of weeks ago, so if you missed it, check it out here.

-What’s causing the epidemic of uterine fibroids? A listener wants to know

-A word of warning for cell phone users

-What does Mr. Wilde think of fish oils?

-Chaga and Reischi , Salacia Oblonga for lowering blood sugar levels

-Low levels of selenium and high cancer rates

-Cholesterol numbers: What’s too high, what’s too low?

and so much more!

Christian Wilde

Visit Website

or calltoll free 866 STEM 1-2-3

christian wilde, heart health, turmeric and much more, may 19 2014, hour one

'Christian Wilde – The Hidden Causes of Heart Attack and Stroke; Breakthroughs in Stem Cell Research; Benefits of Turmeric – May 19, 2014' has 1 comment

  1. May 19, 2014 @ 5:48 pm Alan

    I’m so glad to see Christian Wilde is on the show, Have listened to him for years on C2C, but this is a much deeper and more detailed experience,

    Oneradionetwork Rocks!!


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