Dr. Jennifer Daniels


Author of The Lethal Dose: Murder By Medicine is No Accident



Dr. Jennifer Daniels

Dr. Jennifer Daniels

Dr. Daniels is a former medical doctor who had her medical license suspended due to not prescribing enough drugs and truly healing her patients. Dr.Daniels is widely considered one of the foremost Alternative Healing Physicians alive today. She graduated from Harvard University with Honors receiving a BA degree. Her education continued at the University of Pennsylvania where she received her Medical Degree (MD) and also attended Wharton where she received her MBA in Health Care Administration. She practiced medicine for 10 years as a Board Certified Family Practice Physician where she saw first hand the power of Natural Methods.
She has been coaching clients to successfully heal naturally since 1985. She is the author of the award winning book, Do You Have the Guts to Be Beautiful?


You can get Dr. Daniel’s free report on using turpentine safely and effectively.  Get the “Candida Cleaner” here.



This Dr. Daniels, 62 revolutions around the sun, after six weeks of getting flexible enough to do this, (above photo).  Great job Dr.

Dr. Daniels gives her reasonings and recipe for getting a lots of collagen that allows the tendons to stretch as they do..and to stay younger by cooking chicken feet.

After this we dig right into many, many emails that she answers in a way only Dr. Jennifer Daniels M.D. does: I’d like to know about any interactions between turpentine and psychiatric drugs. I have bipolar disorder and am currently on 5 medications.

Patrick, would you please ask Dr. Daniels about ALS ?  Why is it so devastating, and what causes it, and why is it considered to be so hopeless

Dr. Daniels, when doing the turpentine and sugar process,  does it kill ALL parasites, or is another type of treatment needed to do the job?

Question for Jennifer Daniels. In the past you mentioned that calcium supplements are not usually recommended for most people, but I keep reading about how many soils are depleted of minerals. So I was wondering if this would apply to people who sweat a lot, in a sauna or otherwise. Also maybe for people who only drink distilled water without minerals such as calcium.

Hi i would like to know what Dr Daniels thinks the ideal blood sugar fasting number should be.

What would you recommend for a women in menopause that has hot flushes not really flashes but just a sweep of heat at night usually between 1 and 3 am.   Otherwise I feel good all during the day. I have cut out all sugar and it’s better but I feel it is a hormone problem. I do eat meat including the skin on chickens and good fats.

Does Dr.Daniels think there is a correlation between low vitamin D and belly fat? I am in the sun a lot surprises me that my test would show low ! 😳  Also what does she think could cause , and help reverse hair loss? I n the past I have had low thyroid. The doctor said my level was borderline and I could take it or not take it so I didn’t take it.

I was reading your candida cleaner report yesterday and it is no to low fat and protein. How does that work with candida? Are avocados ok to eat?

In the days of the slaves, would the sugar they used to take the turpentine been in the form of the highly refined white sugar crystals of today, or would it have likely been a less refined version of sugar cane, such as can be found in the present time in the unrefined organic sugar crystal product Sucanat? Might it be better to use Sucanat with the turpentine?

Thank you for your show Patrick, and always appreciate the interviews you do with Dr. Daniel. My question is about Vitality Capsules. They contain senna and I am aware that senna is a laxative with addictive qualities, in terms of bowel movements. For that reason, I have always been somewhat leery of taking them especially for any length of time. Just wonder why you include senna in the formula and do you agree that it is not advisable to take senna for extended periods..
thanks a lot,

In doing the Candida cleaner protocol, how long is too long without seeing good results for healing the immune system/neurological system and lowering toxicity….to start looking where I did something incorrect.

Do you know of something natural & effective that helps teething babies with the discomfort, restlessness, flushed cheeks, etc.?

Can you ask her what can be used to clean a baby’s mouth to keep it fresh and clean. The baby is one year old.

Also she (the baby) was vaccinated and she had a really large bump on her arm which had pus oozing out if it. What can I do to get rid of the pus and the bump.

I am a 29 year old female who is working on healing my mild acne and poor circulation (cold hands and feet).
My acne and circulation got better when I did 2-weeks of juice, fruit, and salad – along with herbs I bought from Dr. Morse. I would like to do this again, but I am afraid of losing more weight. At 5’7″ I now weigh 115 pounds.

My question is:
Is it possible to gain weight eating pork fat and other animal products (no dairy), while working on my skin and circulation eating a clean diet and drinking plenty of water?

I am a 60 year old male, a bit more weight than I need to carry around. High
intensity job..multi tasking. I am addicted to cigarettes…other than that eat a good
diet, drink lots of water as you recommend.

Today my blood pressure is 205 over 130. Had a nose bleed a few days ago. Cardiologist
gave me blood thinner, ptroton pump thing and beta blocker when I last saw him. Read up
on the side effects and chose not to take them.

I’ve been experimenting with deep breathing techniques and they are helping some what. My question is, do you think warranted to take beta blocker just enough to get a safer blood pressure
as I work on ditching the cigs and improving overall lifestyle changes?

Good morning Patrick and Dr. Daniels,
My 14 yr old son was just diagnosed with an arachnoid cyst of the posterior fossa of the brain. I have read that there are surgeries that can drain the cyst to relieve pressure.
Although he doesn’t have any acute symptoms like headaches or nausea etc. I feel like some of his executive functioning and cognitive and learning issues could be the result of the cyst.
Do you think I should explore surgery or do you know of another way to drain such a cyst without surgery?

What is your opinion of the grape fast?  (ie you eat nothing but grapes for as long as you want to go on this, one week, two weeks, 3 weeks).
Theory being:  Fruit is the most easy to digest food and someone who is at death’s door can turn it all around by eating fruit, especially grapes.

What do you know about porphyria? I have been tested twice after a stressful situation and labs showed high porphyins. Apparently, you can inherit this or acquire it by heavy metal toxicity. I am currently going through heavy metal detox protocols.

A dermatologist told me that i have a basal cell carcinoma on the right side of my nose. I did not want to get the moh’s surgery and the black salve looks like i would need assistance during the process. So i decided to use frankincense oil and coconut oil in the meantime. Something seems to be going on, It has scabbed and fallen off repeatedly and is about half the size it use to be. What’s going on here? do you have any ideas? How are these basal cells formed? are there preventative things to do for the skin? Thank you for all you do, Christopher

hi Dr Daniels and Patrick,
what does dr Daniels think is the reason for so many hip and knee replacements?
could fluoride, which strongly binds to calcium in the bones, be a contributor.?
everyone I talk to lately has had replacements. were there this many problems years ago.

1) Her opinión on how to treat naturally non-alcoholic fatty liver dis-ease  2) Her thoughts on why one would get so thirsty while doing a water only fast

Which is better Bio identical or Rx (Micronized)?

66 yr old female. Hysterectomy at age 35 on HRT for 23 years (Premarin, Estrace)  Breast caner lump at age 57(radiation no chemo)

Dr advises to take Progesterone to help with sleep – I wake up every 2 hours all night.  Been going on for 7 years.

I have been drinking 1-2 cups of this (1 heaping spill over teaspoon) daily for 2 months and I am getting gray hairs in other areas of my body. How long does it take to clear the kidneys and reverse this and hair loss?


Dr. Jennifer Daniels, M.D. answers a large pile of interesting questions during this two hour show, Juen 19, 2018 ONE

Dr. Jennifer Daniels, M.D. answers a large pile of interesting questions during this two hour show, Juen 19, 2018 TWO

'Dr. Jennifer Daniels – From Turpentine to Baby Food – Many Questions Answered – June 19, 2018' have 2 comments

  1. August 9, 2018 @ 6:35 pm Sharon Yvonne Vivion

    Hi Dr Daniels would you please let me know if it is safe for me to take another dose of turpintineI have taken a dose two ago this is day number three.Iam looking for anything and i have seen nothing yet, please respond. Could i be blind.


  2. August 17, 2019 @ 4:13 pm Loretta Stephens

    can I give this to my dogs too.


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