Patrick Timpone

Dr. Kathy Gruver, PhD, LMT, RM

Natural Health Speaker, Author, Educator and Practitioner

Inspiring you to have better health; Body, Mind and Spirit


Show Highlights:

-Restructuring Water

-Real treatment or placebo?-Kathy shares stories of studies which demonstrate just how powerful our mind can be

-Integrating Western Medicine and Alternative and Natural Therapies-Kathy tells us about her thyroid surgery after years of trying everything else. It can be dangerous to be too dogmatic and “against” anything

-The stress response-The more relaxed we can be, the healthier we’ll be

-Why all of those supplements can be just as dangerous as a pocketful of prescription drugs

-Healing with beliefs and intentions

-The mighty power of our words

and so much more!


Visit Website

Dr. Kathy Gruver, author of The Alternative Medicine Cabinet and the new book, Body/Mind Therapies for the Bodyworker, has earned her Doctorate as a Traditional Naturopath and PhD in Natural Health. She has studied mind-body medicine at the famed Benson-Henry Institute for Mind-Body Medicine at Harvard Medical School and pursued further education at The National Institutes of Health. Gruver has been featured as an expert in countless publications and has written dozens of health and wellness articles. She has appeared as a guest expert on over 55 radio shows and has done over 40 educational lectures around the country. She has also served as an expert witness for massage negligence and ethics cases.

In addition to maintaining an award winning natural health and medical massage practice in Santa Barbara , CA , Kathy offers phone and email health consultations. She has also produced an instructional massage DVD, Therapeutic Massage at Home; Learn to Rub People the RIGHT Way and is a practitioner with over 20 years of experience. Kathy was featured on Lifetime Television’s The Balancing Act in 2011 speaking about natural health and is in development with a network in Los Angeles for her own TV show. For more information and free health tips and resources go to



kathy gruver, mind body connection, march 14, 2013

'Dr. Kathy Gruver, PhD – In Control of Your Health: Understanding the Mind/Body Connection and the Integration of Western and Natural Medicine – March 14, 2013' has 1 comment

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