The Leading Authority on Vitamin D and Author of The Vitamin D Solution


The Vitamin D Solution:

A 3-Step strategy to Cure Our Most Common Health Problem

Many Americans have succumbed to the scare tactics of the dermatological community, and avoid sunlight for fear of skin cancer and premature aging. Therefore, most of us suffer from vitamin D deficiency, which causes daily aches, pains, and fatigue, worsens serious illnesses, and diminishes the quality of everyday life. Drawing on decades of research, Dr. Michael f. Holick reveals a well-kept secret: our bodies need a sensible amount of unprotected sun exposure. The most comprehensive rescriptive book on the market, The Vitamin D Solutionoffers readers an easy and inexpensive plan to reversing the effects of vitamin D deficiency-and enjoying a substantially healthier life.

Michael F. Holick, Ph.D., M.D. is Professor of Medicine, Physiology and Biophysics; Director of the General Clinical Research Unit; and Director of the Bone Health Care Clinic and the Director of the Heliotherapy, Light, and Skin Research Center at Boston University Medical Center. As a graduate student he was the first to identify the major circulating form of vitamin D in human blood as 25-hydroxyvitamin D3. He then isolated and identified the active form of vitamin D as 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3. He determined the mechanism for how vitamin D is synthesized in the skin, demonstrated the effects of aging, obesity, latitude, seasonal change, sunscreen use, skin pigmentation, and clothing on this vital cutaneous process.

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D3-K2 740 X 90 Woman in the Sun

We get into the depths of years of research and study into Vitamin D

Sunlight provides a great source of vitamin d and you’ll learn all about the dynamics involved

Dr. Hollick suggest the higher end of the 30 – 100 normal range….. 25 Hydroxy Vitamin D lab test, may be advantages to follow

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The kidneys and the calcium connection to this subject is fleshed out here

The darker the skin, the less vitamin D the body will make

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Dr. Michael Holick, well known and respected researcher on Vitamin D, August 8, 2019

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