Dr. Ray Peat, Ph.D

Renowned Nutritional Counselor

“Hello Patrick from Melbourne Australia,
Just a quick message to say thank you and to let you know that I enjoyed your show with Dr Ray Peat immensely. He has so much knowledge across a broad spectrum of topics. Thank you so much for bringing him on and for doing what you do!!! I hope to hear more of Dr Peat in your future shows.”

“I just want to tell you how much I enjoy your recent interviews with Dr Ray Peat. I am thrilled waiting for the next one. I have known his work for quite some time, but it is so refreshing to listen to your shows. I hope you will carry on with cooperation. Dr Peat has endless knowledge to share and each time I listen to him I find something new and eye-opening. His knowledge and perspective are absolutely unique. In the world of keto, low carb nonsense, sugar hate and corrupted science, he is the last voice of honesty and sanity.” Best regards Ania from Poland

Ray Peat acquired his PhD from the University of Oregon with a specialization in physiology. He started his work on hormones in 1968 and wrote his dissertation in 1972 in which he outlined his ideas on progesterone and the hormones closely related to it. His main thesis is that energy and structure are interdependent at every level.

-Menopause and estrogen production

-Boiling greens and drinking the water to get more mineral into your diet

-Dr. Peat talks a bit about the new novel corona virus

Questions Dr. Peat answered from listeners:

-Does Dr Peat know if endometrial cyst can be cured with thyroid medication? Or what else Dr Peat thinks may be helpful for this condition?

-Ray said to drink orange and milk. Edgar Cayce said not to combine citrus with other foods. I wish you will ask him about combining food in the gut.

-Could you please ask Dr Peat: if protein and sugar is best not eaten with starch, what amount of time should be left between starch and protein meals? Does this recommendation mean that marmalade with tortillas, or eggs with rice is best avoided, and what foods would actually be considered to be protein or sugar (eg fruit) for this?. For example, I think I’ve heard Dr Peat say he eats cheese with tortillas and wondered what it is about the cheese that makes it ok with starch, since it’s pretty high in protein? Thanks and love Dr Peat!

- Can Dr. Peat talk about sustained release oral micronised Progesterone in methyl cellulose type base? Reports say this works over long period of time and maintains good blood levels ?

-Could you please ask Dr, Peat what he would recommend to deal with Narrow (Closed) angle Glaucoma? Is making a hole, as is commonly recommended, in the iris is safe thing to do? Also is it possible to reverse some of the damage from Glaucoma?

-What does Dr. Peat think of drinking food grade hydrogen peroxide?

-I have read that some people seem to shed more hair (scalp hair) while taking thyroid supplements. Could you ask Dr Peat if there is any truth or science to this? What would cause this to occur?

-My friend has venous insufficiency, also known as venous reflux.  She is in her 60’s.  Would this condition be related to an imbalance or deficiency of progesterone or estrogen?

-Is Dr. Peat aware of a good source of Pregnenolone? I know there’s been issues in the past with many sources causing poor side effects sometimes due to excipients. If one is to supplement Pregnenolone, what is a good dosage?

-Could you ask Dr Peat a question about potatoes? I know he’s recommended to eat them with plenty of butter or cream to slow starch absorption. How much butter would he recommend for say 1/2 cup well cooked potatoes?

Does Dr. Peat eat potatoes?
-Is it possible for stress or trauma to transform saturated fat into polyunsaturated fat? After four years of reducing our polyunsaturated fat supply, what about the lipofuscin? Are we stuck with this muck, or can we get rid our cells of at least some of it?
-I have poor circulation in that my hands and feet are often cold. I am tall and thin. My hands are veiny and I’m wondering if that is a result of poor blood supply. Perhaps thyroid and maybe deep tissue massage might help? I stay away from PUFAs, and drink lots of OJ and milk and love them!
-I have massive depression…what are a few steps to discern what’s causing it? 
-You’ve spoken about various needs of the lungs. Can You Please suggest ways to help pulmonary fibrosis? All inhalers and meds have no affect. So far.. I’ve looked into red lamps, MSM and homeopathics.  Also, do you suggest any breathing exercises that might help. The lungs have been affected by years in Desert Storm and smoking and construction that exposed toxic materials.
-Is it ok to supplement taurine?
-How does Dr Peat keep his skin moisturized during the dry Winter season? What topical substances could be used to prevent dryness? What are the safest anti-histamines to take for seasonal allergies? I have arrhythmia and a lot of 1st generation anti-histamines can induce long-QT syndrome and increase risk for cardiac events. Is nasal cromolyn sodium an effective alternative?
and so much more!

Ray Peat PhD with ninety minutes filled with great research and insights, February 17, 2020

'Dr. Ray Peat – Menopause & Estrogen; Thyroid; Coronavirus; Glaucoma; Food Combining and More! – February 17, 2020' has 1 comment

  1. January 29, 2021 @ 11:38 am Lucy

    Dr. Peat’s predictions on COVID aged very well,


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