Patrick Timpone


Janet Perry


Turning the Tables on Cancer

Janet Perry, our favorite pharmacologist who joins us from time to time on the show, was handed a stage 4 breast cancer diagnosis recently this past Spring. She decided to use the tests offered in the allopathic medical model to track her progress while healing herself naturally. We caught up with Janet for a progress report in June. She joined us again today for another. We think you’ll find her story and the ideas for healing inspirational. Enjoy!!

Janet Perry

Janet Perry

Show Highlights:

Diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer in April 2016. Not using AMA treatments.

Fermenting fungi – the friendly beneficial yeast are called the mycobiome. Not all yeast are problematic. We ingest most beneficial yeast every day.

Fermented wheat germ – commercial sources are very expensive. Beneficial for cancer because of having benzoquinones, which block glycolysis, the ability of cancer cells to consume sugar. Better to make it yourself – is cheap and tastes good.

David Armistead’s method for making fermented wheat germ oil: Mix 1 cup wheat germ, 1 2/3 c. water, simmer 20 minutes, add 1 heaping Tb of organic honey, cool to room temp, add 8 capsules of Saccharomyces boulardii, cover, stir every day. By 4th day, no sweetness is left. Put in fridge, eat every day. Ramp up to take 1 Tb. Daily.

Eliminating carbs and eliminating excess protein recommended for fighting cancer.

How to measure progress in fighting the disease? Classic test is mammograms, which cause cancer.
Can take direct measurements using sonograms, but it’s not accurate to compare one sonogram to another. Changes in how you feel may be best tracking method.

Janet initially consulted a doctor because of sudden onset of pain in ovaries and hips. Her pain was eliminated 4 weeks after starting her regimen.

What did Janet do? Grew and juiced wheat grass using an Omega 8000 masticating juicer. Stopped sugar, drank lots of water. Jumped from 2 ounces/day wheat grass juice to 12 ounces daily of juiced wheat grass, turmeric and medicinal roots, parsley, cucumber, and celery.

Used recall healing to resolve emotional conflicts and improve mental and spiritual health. Emotional conflicts are the basis for all illness and can be carried on from past generations.

Best not to kill it but to revert it to a normal cell.

Pathogenic microbes at the center of every cancer cell. Possibly h. pylori? Symptom vs. cause.

Dying cancer cells release a large amount of toxins. Better to kill a small amount of cancer cells daily, rather than have a toxic large release from chemo or radiation. Preferring to die from breast cancer vs. dying from chemo.

Overcoming a fear consciousness. Allowing spirit to lead her.

Thermograms can return false negatives. Mammography has more false positives.

Did some dental revision, removed root canaled teeth.

Janet consults on nutrition for people and animals. Heartening success with dogs.

and so much more!!

Connect with Janet:

[email protected]

janet perry on curing cancer naturally, october 13, 2016

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