Joseph Bender

Water Expert and Founder and Acting President of the Institute of Advanced Water Sciences

Topic: Joseph’s 21 day fast

Joseph Bender has been a researcher, inventor and entrepreneur since early age, having started many successful companies implementing his ideas in the fields of entertainment, education, and health.
For the past 20 years Joseph Bender has been researching the glorious substance of water, realizing that in water all the mysteries of the life process are contained Joseph has committed the remainder of his life to researching, understanding and assisting others who work with water.

Show highlights:
This is a WONDERFUL show with Joseph Bender. He has just come off of a 21 day water fast and tells us all about it. He elaborates why one should consider doing it and how to properly do it. He also tells us about the big parasite that was expelled and how water fasting gets after most all disease and issues by growing new stem cells. This is a fascinating interview and one you should not miss on your quest for better health.
-How to deal with hunger during the fast
-What creates the feeling of extreme dehydration which usually happens around Day 3 on an extended water-only fast?
-Can diabetics do this extended water fast?
- For someone that uses distilled water all the time, how does that compare to drinking RO water?
and so much more!
Contact Joseph: [email protected]


Yoseph Bender on fasting, long term, short term and lots of insights into water and a parasite story too, February 10, 2020


'Joseph Bender – Water Expert and Founder of the Institute of Advanced Water Sciences – Water Fasts for Better Health – February 10, 2020' have 2 comments

  1. February 25, 2020 @ 8:50 am guest

    That 5-hour fast sounds interesting. However, there are many opinions on this subject – some say fasting depletes body of already insufficient amounts of minerals, others, like Mr. Joseph seem work it alright. I’ll tell you what though, I noticed that when I have a single meal per day, usually after 3 p.m., my bowels move real good, cause I’m prone to constipation, but single meal seems to do the trick.


  2. June 14, 2021 @ 4:05 pm Brian Whelan

    It may be that most diseases are caused by conflict shock in an individuals life, German New Medicine covers this, keep in mind Tesla’s comment “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”


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