Robert Von Sarbacher

Removing Biofilms from the Body

robert vonRobert Von Sarbacher is a Trader in the Stock Market and a Nutrition Consultant with two master’s degrees. Robert has been studying nutrition for half his lifetime and was guided into health and nutrition when his partner at the time stopped eating refined sugars… curiously Robert asked why and with a detailed response from his partner he began his investigations into nutrition. After much personal research and investigation into health Robert began to understand detoxification and is well known for his amazing MBP Protocol (Mini Beet Protocol).

Show Highlights:

-The power of the mini-beet protocol

-Increasing the absorption of vitamin D with sulfur

-Rebuilding cartilage with sulfur, but it must be taken properly

-Understanding biofilms

-Psoriasis, eczema and acne did not exist before the use of antibiotics

-The reason antibiotics don’t work

-What is Methuselah and how does it work?

-The one food that’s even better than beets to battle biofilms

-Tartar is a biofilm growing on your teeth

-Click here for more information on the mini beet protocol

and more!!


Robert von Sarbacher
POB 223744
Dallas, TX 75222

robeert von on bio films and more, october 9, 2014

'Robert Von Sarbacher – Removing Biofilms from the Body – October 9, 2014' have 9 comments

  1. October 11, 2014 @ 2:21 pm CAB

    Wow, what an interesting program. It all makes sense too. Connect the dots, and they do not lead to pharma drugs or even to supplements — but straight on to food.

    This is fall, time to stock up on apples and root vegetables.

  2. October 12, 2014 @ 9:00 am CAB

    I had to go and listen to the older programs, and this guy is great. Could you get him on regularly? He has so much information, not enough time to share it all, and needs more programs. I would wait every month for a new program from Robert Von. And questions. Two hours a month? That would be super. Maybe?

  3. October 12, 2014 @ 9:09 am Mona

    The difference between plaque and tartar (calculus):

    “Plaque is the sticky, colorless film that constantly forms on your teeth. Bacteria live in plaque and secrete acids that cause tooth decay and irritate gum tissue. This irritation causes an inflammatory reaction by your body that can eventually lead to gingivitis and periodontal disease. If plaque is not removed regularly by tooth brushing and flossing, it hardens to create calculus (also known as tartar)…..”

  4. October 12, 2014 @ 5:59 pm Mickey

    Please have this guy on more often. He’s a wealth of information!!!

  5. October 16, 2014 @ 5:57 pm victor

    Could someone find out and post what is in the formula he is selling so we can help people to get well. I’d like to try it, but calling him and paying lots of money for something that probably costs next to nothing is a big turn off. Does anyone know the cost?

  6. October 5, 2021 @ 5:39 pm Howard T. Lewis III

    Very important: After viewing 3 different videos looking at microscopic worms allegedly found in those light blue/white masks available at Rockefeller CVS pharmacies, I went and bought 2 masks and used my 10X magnifying glass to search for worms. Although small, less than a millimeter long, my 10X magnifying glass was able to easily spot and provide an image sufficient to know that these were the same black fiber/worms shown on the much more powerful video microscope. I drew a round 1/4″ circle around each worm, and set the mask back on the shelf in its original envelop, and returned to see if anything happened. The first worm had moved through the cloth mask about 1/16″”, the next moved to the edge of the circle but became stuck in the ink. The third worm crawled through the cloth mask to a spot a full 1/8″ away and out past the circle. Ivermectin is an anti-parasite medicine. These worms react to heat and moisture. Possibly these worms are just ONE group of predetermined COVID pathogens. 5G grids can blow the lungs out of birds and destroy human lungs when the power is turned up over 25.000 watts. These towers are so equipped.

  7. October 29, 2021 @ 10:15 am Betsy Singh-Anand

    When I was 6 years old, I came down with mono (Epstein-Barr virus EBV). My body went absolutely bananas, and I never genuinely recovered. At age 30, I was tested for EBV antibodies – they were still so high that they could not be measured. They were “out of assay range”. Throughout adulthood, I sought help for soul-crushing fatigue and widespread pain. I kept telling the doctors that I was sure it was all due to the mono. I was told one of 3 things: it’s not possible; it *is* possible, but there is no treatment; or, “Here’s some Prozac”. Forty-eight years after my initial illness, I met a DC/ND/PhD. I told him my story. I told him I still thought it was the mono. He agreed, and he said he could help! He went on to talk about biofilms, the liver, the immune system, and how we were going to fix this. While giving my immune system all possible support, were were going to dissolve biofilms with enzymes, “cook” the virus “out of the liver”, and support the lymph nodes. I was told to expect a Herxheimer reaction, which I had but it wasn’t too bad. Within 3 months, I was essentially cured. I am vigilant for returning symptoms. Periodically, I need to go back on the protocol when I start to “feel viral”. But it only takes 3 or 4 days to overcome now. So, yes, biofilms trap all sorts of nasties and the immune system cannot get to them there. But there are ways to treat this stuff!

    • November 1, 2021 @ 12:52 am Leslie Gillin

      Betsy, would you share more about what you did/do? I have reactivated EBV.
      Thank you.

  8. October 31, 2021 @ 9:36 am Sheila Fields

    Patrick, can you please try to bring Robert back on to see if he has protocols to help people detox from the pcr tests, and possibly some of the vaccine,? Thank you!

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