Rosanne Lindsay ND

Reverse Disease Naturally

Ms. Lindsay has a great story to tell how her thyroid was “diagnosed” as being  totally dysfunctional, not just low but fast asleep.  And from there she experienced massive Spiritual awakenings and a year later all was well with her now happy Thyroid.


Naturopathy is the art, science, and philosophy of nature. Natural medicine accesses the healing power of nature and emphasizes disease prevention and the promotion of optimal health using holistic methods and principles based on the unique qualities of each individual. Natural medicine appreciates our inherent connection to our environment and our body’s self-healing ability. As part of nature, we are both physical and energetic beings, the seen and the unseen. It is essential to address all our aspects; body, mind, and spirit to come into balance for full health and vitality. To focus solely on the physical is to work in fragments.

Health is our natural state. Disease is the absence of health and results from nutrient deficiencies, toxicities, and stress, and includes limiting beliefs that hold us back from reaching our potential. Natural healing begins with eating whole foods close to the earth. It means detoxing the body of chemicals and heavy metals, and healing the center of the immune system, the gut. It means reconnecting to your inner child to act on your gifts. The life journey is a healing journey.

Are you ready to be your own hero?

Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, certified by the American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board, and a Tribal Healer with the Turtle Island Provider Network. She holds graduate degrees from Trinity School of Natural Health in Naturopathic medicine and from the University of Chicago’s School of Public Health in Environmental Health Science. She utilizes herbalism by creating custom tincture formulas for clients, matching plant qualities to people, for dramatic results.
Rosanne discovered her gifts as a healer through her own journey of reversing Profound Hypothyroidism naturally.

Her mission is to guide others to heal themselves using body-mind-spirit medicine. She consults in person and online. She is a writer/blogger, speaker, and author of two books, ‘The Nature of Healing, Heal The Body, Heal The Planet‘ and ‘Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.’

She is an activist for Health Freedom and serves as president of the National Health Freedom Coalition (NHFC). She is working to bring Safe Harbor legislation to Wisconsin to protect the rights of holistic healers to practice medicine without a license, as well as to protect the freedom of individuals to choose their own path for healthcare.

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These two and one half hours are brimming with lots of insights, experiences and possibilities of of our Soul, Mind Body paradigm we work with.  Far too many to put into these brief notes.  Please dig in.


The spiritual connection to classic auto immune activity in the body

The importance of minerals and protocols for opening up the thyroid to accept the nutrients provided

Rosanne is the Atom Bergstrom, Seneff camp as far as  not supplementing with Vitamin D hormones

The thyroid, and finding our own voice, speaking our Truth is fascinating…lots of chat about this here

The thoughts we accept as our reality are inextricably in the body in the ever present now

One of the factors of “aging” as we know it is our belief that ‘time’ exists

Ms. Lindsay talks about and recommends using clay internally for minerals

Some of the emails: 

Since there are so many minerals that the body requires to function, what is the Doctor’s strategy to “re-mineralized the body”?

Could your guest expand on how she dealt with people dropping away when she got better?

In southern New England, it is being reported that we have a handful of cases of eastern equine encephalitis (triple E) for which they have been aerial spraying pesticide in the towns labeled “critical areas”. Now, they are reporting a case of West Nile Virus. I am appalled by the broad spraying this poison and I’m not sure what I can do about it. Do you have any advice on how to protect myself from the pesticide as well as these diseases and also what I can do to try and change government policy on how they deal with these supposed threats

..exactly what was the problem with her thyroid .. but please ask her about people whose thyroid was radiated ….what are her thoughts on that and I am on a Nature Thyroid
2 grain

After the show, this one popped in:  You two are having lots of fun……you really should have dinner next Thursday :)  thank you for the presentation.


Rosanne Lindsay with lots of fun insights into the whole Soul, Mind Body love fest we enjoy so much, September 12, 2019 ONE

Rosanne Lindsay with lots of fun insights into the whole Soul, Mind Body love fest we enjoy so much, September 12, 2019 TWO

'Rosanne Lindsay ND – Reversing Disease, Accepting Our Divinity, and Being One With Spirit – September 12, 2019' has no comments

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