Patrick Timpone

Konstantin Monastyrsky

Got A Gut Feeling Your Gut Is Out Of Whack?

Learn Gut Sense to Enjoy Good Eats, Great Health and Long Life!

Moving bowels is an instinct, not an acquired trait. You don’t need to teach newborns to move their bowels — it comes to them just as naturally as breathing or crying. Similarly, there are seniors who have never had a problem moving their bowels naturally, and are free from common colorectal disorders, such as irregularity, constipation, hemorrhoids, or diverticulosis. So, why, then, other people aren’t as lucky?

There are several, noteworthy characteristics of these natural bowel movements, that equally apply to happy babies, healthy seniors, and everyone in-between:

•Strong defecation urge. Ideally, a strong sensation to move bowels is experienced after each major meal, or at least once daily.

•Small-sized stools. The stools are small, soft, and finger-sized, sometimes barely formed. By the Bristol Stool Scale classification they correspond to type 4 to 6.

•Small volume of stools. The weight of the stools is usually no more than 100-150 grams per bowel movement.

•Unnoticeable act. The act of defecation is an effortless, quick, and complete passing of stools. It is no more noticeable than the act of urination. There is absolutely no conscious effort or straining.

If your bowel movements aren’t as described above, it means they are no longer “natural,” and you are facing an elevated risk of major and minor colorectal disorders — from the ubiquitous hemorrhoids to colon cancer, and just about anything else you can find under the Colorectal Diseases heading of any medical reference.

Learn more by visiting website


Show Highlights:

-Do we need fiber in our diet?

-Are fiber fortified processed foods the cause of the rise of autism and ADHD?

-Bulking up the stool with extra fiber is a huge cause of colorectal cancer

-Fat is the thing to keep the colon going

-In a perfect world, the human body should be moving it’s bowels after every meal

-The foods which contain the most insoluble fiber can be the most constipating

-Addressing autism: Is there a connection between the gut and the brain?

-Are colonics beneficial for colon cleansing?

-Does the amount of water one drinks have an effect on bowel movements?

-Isthe squatty potty a legitimate product or have we been marketed a bowl of poop ?

-What about clays; do they improve gut health?

-Check out what The Weston A. Price Foundation has to say about the book Fiber Menace

and so much more!!!


Konstantin Monastyrsky-Why is Fiber a Menace to Your Health?

Konstantin Monastyrsky


all about the gut and poop with konstantin monastrysky, august 18, 2015

'FROM THE ARCHIVES | Konstantin Monastyrsky | The Real Reason You’re Not Pooping | August 18, 2015' have 4 comments

  1. August 20, 2015 @ 11:12 am Gerry

    What does Konstantin think of enemas.

    The person who would like more info on Autism –DR CAMBELL MC BRIDE.

    Thank you for a wonderful show.


  2. August 22, 2015 @ 10:01 am Rain

    I have the poop your looking for, no vaccines, no antibiotics, vaginal birth, breast feed. At three months of age he started on homemade sauerkraut juice and homemad kombucha along with breast milk. He is only four months old, I hope I have him off to a good start. My older child was a cesarean section, it was the worst expereance of my life and has had health consequences for both of us. I have been talking to my doctor about fecal transplants. My doctor evades my questions, but this talk got me thinking, I wonder if I even need the help of doctors. More research to do.


    • August 23, 2015 @ 11:36 am patrick

      Wow…that’s amazing… some poop. The real thing. Will you email me please
      [email protected]
      May the blessings be,


    • August 23, 2015 @ 11:38 am patrick

      So, I’ll do the research with Mr. M and others and fill you in on perhaps transplanting some of baby’s poop to the C birth baby and how best to do that.


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