Why does a rabbit get (temporary) atheromas from cholesterol, but a rat doesn’t?

When a doctor decides you have high cholesterol, it actually (usually) means your cells are starving for cholesterol.

Imagine an office building with the workers gathering in the hallways because they can’t gain access to their offices and their computers that run the building and the building’s communication with the outside world.

Imagine some idiot deciding the best way to stop the workers from gathering in the hallways is to evict them from the hallways and out of the building.

(Think statin drugs.)

Heaven forbid some of the workers might be able to pick the locks and gain access to their rooms and computers!

Fatty acids play a major role in inflammation.

Cholesterol is an anti-fatty acid in the biological dualism between sterols and fatty acids.

Excess fatty acids INSIDE THE CELL and insufficient cholesterol INSIDE THE CELL is a heart attack in the making.

The luteoids (including progesterone) and the corticoids (including cortisol) are also anti-fatty acids.

They’re manufactured from cholesterol.

The “gluco group” – including glucose, galactose, glucosamine, and galactosamine – are anti-fatty acids available as a back-up system when cholesterol isn’t available.

They’re not manufactured from cholesterol, but they have side effects.

(Think metabolic syndrome X or diabetes.)

Emanuel Revici, M.D. wrote in 1961 …

“… with cholesterol having the cellular level as its proper level and the blood as superior level, the blood changes would reflect secondary responses to those occurring at lower levels. We saw such changes at the cellular level in old age.”

For those who refuse to believe this blog entry, Atom’s School of Self Healing will provide students with conventional food-based ways to drop “that ole devil” cholesterol. ;)

Our e-books & e-booklets are available at …


[email protected]

Facebook: Atom’s School of Self-Healing at Wellness-Wagon.com




'High Cholesterol Means Low Cholesterol' have 4 comments

  1. July 6, 2012 @ 8:56 am atomb

    The actual “bad” cholesterol accumulates in the biological levels associated with the Second and Third Period (Series) of the Periodic Table of the Elements.

    The actual “good” cholesterol makes its home in the biological level associated with the Fourth Period (Series).

    There are three things that matter in property: location, location, location!

  2. July 6, 2012 @ 1:12 pm suz

    Re: When a doctor decides you have high cholesterol, it actually (usually) means your cells are starving for cholesterol.
    1. If this is the case, would it behoove us to eat more foods that produce cholesterol, such as eggs?
    2. Are vegans depriving themselves of good cholesterol and optimal vitamin D levels by not eating eggs or are there any non-animal derived foods that produce cholesterol?

    • July 6, 2012 @ 9:12 pm atomb

      Extra due diligence and a highly functional liver is required for a vegan not to short-change their future generations.

      The liver – with help from the small intestine – manufactures 75 percent of the human body’s cholesterol.

      Meditation is acidifying and makes it easier to be a vegan or vegetarian, especially if a meditator has learned the Alligator Technique of breathing one time per minute.

      A minimum complete breath for Kriya Yoga is 18 seconds.

      All meditation is ultimately breath meditation whether it focuses on the breath itself or mantram, yantram, or tantram.

  3. July 6, 2012 @ 8:45 pm atomb

    As VERY GENERAL RULES, men over-infer a woman’s sexuality when she wears red.

    Women regard men wearing red as more attractive and higher in status.

    Woman see men wearing blue as more stable and faithful.

    Sexual pheromones are far-infrared signalling molecules capable of penetrating six to eight inches into the human body.

    Be careful while relaxing in a public far-infrared sauna. ;)

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