Chris Cardenosa, William Vance, and I drove down to Adnan Sarhan’s Sufi workshop in Cheviot Hills, California, in 1990.

There was music, dancing, chanting, and … a Wendy’s commercial.

When Adnan switched between Middle Eastern music cassettes, a voice proclaimed, “I’m a Wendy’s man!”

Adnan slyly grinned.

This phrase from a Wendy’s hamburger commercial was so incongruous amidst all the “consciousness” music and Sufi exercises, everyone laughed.

Chris, William, and I made a running joke out of it.

Driving back to my mobile home in Carpinteria, we kept the joke afloat: “Hey, Bill! There’s a Wendy’s billboard! Wave at Wendy! Hi, Wendy!”

We arrived at my home and I checked the mail.

There was a letter from … Wendy.

“Wow! What a synchronicity!” I marveled. “I haven’t heard from Wendy in a long time. I used to work on her when she lived in Carpinteria.”

Wendy and her husband Kenny now lived in New Mexico, not far from Adnan’s Sufi Foundation of America in Torreon.

Chris, William, and I immediately incorporated this synchronicity into our snowballing Wendy schtick.

The next day the three of us drove to the Bay Area to see Sant Mat Master Gurinder Singh at the San Francisco Civic Auditorium.

The running joke continued with or without sightings of Wendy’s highway billboards – “Hi, Wendy!” “How are you, Wendy!”

We and several thousand other people arrived at the San Francisco Civic Auditorium.

Everyone had to file through metal detectors, and even one-inch pocket knives were confiscated.

The auditorium was packed, so we settled for balcony seats far from the speaker’s platform.

“Ed! … Ed! …Ed!” someone yelled. (My name was “Ed” back then.)

I turned around and there was … Wendy!

Wendy and Kenny were seated just a few rows behind us.

Wendy had been feeling ill, so she mentioned to Kenny, “I wish Ed was here.”

Kenny casually replied, “Well, he IS here. He’s a few rows in front of us.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I’m sure that’s Ed up there. He’s got long hair and a hat, but I’m sure that’s him.”

“That can’t be Ed.”

“Well, just call out his name and find out!”

She did, and that’s when I turned around.

Wendy had even experienced a session with Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) back when she lived in Carpinteria.

She wondered why she had such a strong urge to say, “Radha Soami!” to Adano.

She thought Adano and I wouldn’t know anything about Radha Soami Satsang or Sant Mat (the teachings of the Saints).

She had respected my unconventional wellness views, but thought I was “a bit flip.”

Who, me?

Solar Nutrition will increase your TIMING, or, as Adano phrased it …

“The timing of the daily events of your life is the proof that Creative Consciousness is directing your existence.”

Our e-books & e-booklets are available at …

Facebook: Atom’s School of Self Healing at




'I’m a Wendy’s Man! (A Tale of Synchronicity)' have 5 comments

  1. September 12, 2012 @ 4:12 pm suz

    I have only been practicing solar nutrition since January and already am noticing the uncanny synchronicity. Whenever I think of someone, he/she will contact me shortly. Once an acquaintance was telephoning someone else and by dialing the wrong number reached me, much to her surprise ;) Or, I know the answer to a question because I read about it just recently. It’s fun, adds spice to life.

    • September 12, 2012 @ 4:33 pm atomb

      I’ve been fascinated by synchronicity way before I learned Jung called it an “acausal connecting principle.”

      It led me to my studies in the I Ching in the 1970s.

      But Solar Nutrition supercharged synchronicity for me.

      Keep enjoying its “spice.” :)

  2. October 10, 2012 @ 11:34 pm Christopher

    Hey Ed, tell Wendy i said hi, lol… nice to pick up the timing call to check out this site. Been a long time, lol but the trip to SF and to the top of Transamerica Tower still are clear as classes at Hugo’s.

    What’s going on?

    • October 11, 2012 @ 11:39 am atomb

      WOW!!!!! What a surprise!!!!!

      I’ve got your e-mail address now, Chris, so I’ll send you my contact info soon.

      I’ll be totally off the grid for five days camping at Lake Tahoe with my brother.

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