Ingri Cassell

Director of Vaccination Liberation

Our ignorance of factual history coupled with our lack of understanding of how our bodies work has lead the masses to accept such absurdities as germs and viruses as causal agents of dis-ease.

Ingri prefers to focus on asking the right questions and getting people to think logically rather than technically. Her number 1 fan during this current “police state” virus is Jon Rappoport.

Ingri is the , a national grassroots association dedicated to providing
information on vaccinations not often made available to the public so that one can make the only informed choice, complete avoidance and refusal.
Our website has been going for 20 years and is considered one of the best websites for detailed information on the dangers of vaccines and exemption information.
Our Mission Statement:
•To reveal the myth that vaccines are necessary, safe and effective
•To expand our awareness of alternatives in healthcare
•To preserve our right to abstain
•To repeal all compulsory vaccination laws nationwide
Since closing out the monthly newspaper, The Idaho Observer, in April 2010 after the untimely murder of her husband, Don Harkins, the editor, Ingri has devoted her time to teaching people how to recover from
all forms of illness and maintain a healthy lifestyle. As the daughter of Walene James, the founder of Vaccination Liberation, in 2011 she did a thorough edit of Walene’s last book, The Vaccine Religion:
Mass Mind & the Struggle for Human Freedom.] In Fall 2016, she started her own website dedicated to further educating people. On she sells and recommends specific products that have helped countless people quit medicating with pharmaceutical drugs and recover their health.
She also hosts a weekly radio show, “Immunize Wizely”, on RBN on
Saturday nights.

Show highlights:

We ask Ingri if the vaccine model is accurate

NIH actually did a study and proved that the germ theory was wrong

What would poison the lymph and the blood? Vaccines

The only way to get foreign proteins into the blood is through vaccines which are the cause of many allergies

A doctor’s incentive is not to keep you healthy; there’s no money in it

Blind obedience is the most dangerous thing in the world

COVID-19 has not passed the criteria of Koch’s postulates

The vaccine machine leads to using the pharma companies other products

There’s a very high concentration of glyphosates found in vaccines

Indigenous peoples: Were they wiped out by disease or by all the gross immuno-suppresent things we brought to trade with them, like sugar and alcohol

There’s been no president vilified as badly as President Trump

There’s some horrifying stories coming out of NY from doctors and nurses about the corruption and blatant murder of patients

The Vaccine Religion

Ingri Cassell, longtime researcher on viruses, vaccines and much more, May 5, 2020

'Ingri Cassell – Health Is Your Only True Immunity – May 5, 2020' has 1 comment

  1. September 23, 2020 @ 5:16 pm Loretta

    No health – no freedom
    Illness —-> greedom


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