Patrick Timpone

James LaValle

The Causes & Cures of Diabetes

Jim LaValle Cracking the Metabolic Code

Jim LaValle One Radio Network

James LaValle, is a nationally recognized clinical pharmacist, author, board certified clinical nutritionist, founder of Metabolic Code Enterprises, Inc., a web platform and practice solution enterprise, launching AIR Support and the Metabolic Code Assessment. James is probably best known for his expertise in natural therapeutics application and drug/nutrient depletion issues and uncovering the underlying metabolic issues that keep people from feeling healthy and vital. As such he has written hundreds of articles for a variety of industry journals and publications, and has lectured for thousands of healthcare professionals and consumer audiences globally on these topics. He was a founding author of the NHI on Demand database and spearheaded the Lexi Comp databases relating to natural therapeutics.

He is author of 16 e books and 20 books including the most recently released, Your Blood Never Lies, as well as his best seller, Cracking the Metabolic Code, along with Smart Medicine for Healthier Living, Nutritional Cost of Drugs and The Cox 2 Connection. He was named one of the “50 Most Influential Pharmacists” by American Druggist magazine and was one of only nine Americans selected to participate in the inaugural Dietary Supplement Education Alliance & Dietary Supplement Information Bureau. LaValle served as the nutrition correspondent for Body Shaping, the number one fitness show on ESPN II in the late 1990’s. Jim is a favorite interviewee for the media related to natural care, and has done well over 500 media appearances in T.V. and radio.

Show Highlights:

-Cortisol and blood sugar are the 2 things to keep in check to prevent premature aging

-Jim shares some shocking numbers on the amount of people who are diabetic and pre-diabetic

-What’s the difference between being diabetic and insulin resistant?

-The problem with exercising or training too much; moderate exercise has been proven to be more effective for longevity

-A little bit of sugar is not the problem; it’s the fact that we’re over consuming carbs and sugar

-How juicing can be deceptive, especially when juicing fruit; it’s feeding into the diabetic and insulin resistant problem

-The effectiveness of Phase 2 white kidney bean extract to counter excess carbs

-What causes the arteries to plaque up?

-How about fruit? How much is too much? Choosing lower glycemic fruit

-The ideal amount of vegetables to eat each day

-What nutrients or foods can we eat to reverse damage to the kidneys?

and so much more!!!

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james lavalle, and the first 18 minutes we thought we lost on power failure..thanks to a listener named michael, november 19, 2015, part one

'James LaValle – The Causes & Cures of Diabetes – November 19, 2015' has 1 comment

  1. November 29, 2015 @ 12:57 am cab

    Very useful and informative interview. Thanks.

    I got white kidney bean extract, phase 2, from Swanson, on sale, 180 capsules for $15.

    The message seems to be the same on diet from everyone lately — “cut the carbs.” Drastically. Seems like anybody must have this kidney bean supplement to keep the carbs down, or keep the carbs from doing damage to the body, because who can stick with such a low amount of carbs? Cutting out all the grains and sugar — and it’s still not enough. 15 grams of starch, twice a day? Yikes.

    And since it’s fall, I’ve been drinking cider and eating apples. Not good.

    Magnesium, potassium, chromium, zinc — I wonder if shilajit has all three of these minerals that Lavalle says we need to supplement.
    I will try to get a free glucometer at the drug store, and see if my blood sugar is 85 or less, and aim for that.

    And goldenrod is a good herb for kidney repair and zinc. Cordyceps and NAC for kidneys. (I’ve taken NAC for years). And K2, garlic extract (Kyolic) for calcification regression. That’s interesting. Will it take away the crackles and crunchies?


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