Patrick Timpone
Janet Perry, Pharmacologist
Making Decisions Based on Factual Analysis, Not Fear
Janet has a Masters from UT SW Medical Center Dallas, a top ten medical school, in Medical Pharmacology, concentrating in neuro pharmacology. She brings to the table 35 years consulting experience with people and animals in natural healing methods. Areas of specialization include neuro nutrition supporting sleep and mood disorders, detox and purification practices, Lyme Disease, auto immune disorders as well as working with dogs, horses and cats. Consultations can be arranged with her via phone, skype or in person.
Janet Perry
Show Highlights:
-Making decisions based on factual analysis, not fear
-Tips for looking for holistic practitioners
-Cannabis therapy
-Janet talks about her Facebook page and how fans can interact privately
-Distilled water is the only method that will remove radiation from water
-Janet tells us about Stirwands and what they do
-Getting extra minerals from green powders; Janet loves the Healthforce brand. All of their products are organic, raw, and vegan
-Redox molecules are being pushed to replace probiotics; Janet doesn’t think this is a good idea and shares her argument against it
-Janet talks about taking collagen and how she gets more in her diet
-Strengthening the parasympathetic system through breathing; Janet talks about the technique of Wim Hof
and so much more!
Connect with Janet: TwoDragonsWellness
janet perry and cool ideas on your health and healing, february 18, 2016
'Janet Perry, Pharmacologist – Making Decisions Based on Factual Analysis, Not Fear – February 18, 2016' have 2 comments
February 23, 2016 @ 5:38 pm DD
Thanks for having Janet Perry on the show. She is always a wealth of knowledge!!!!
February 26, 2016 @ 10:19 am Mona
One of my favorite guests, which you have on your show.