Jason Christoff

Health & Self Sabotage Expert

Jason Christoff has developed a world wide reputation as a self sabotage coach who makes complex issues easy to understand for his clients. Jason discovered very early in his career, after managing one of Canada’s most successful weight loss clinics, that health and self sabotage were inherently connected. Jason is interviewed across the world every month, appearing on various podcasts and radio shows, regarding his highly effective methods for overcoming self sabotage, losing weight and how to rise up to your full potential.

Jason also leads by example for his clients, using his immense experience learned when he overcame his own self sabotaging behavior, which had driven him to the brink of disaster. Jason has written over 1300 articles on a wide array of topics, all available here for free on this website. Jason believes that not only can we save ourselves with effective coaching…..we can also save our children, our most important relationships and our communities.

Fear is the number one weapon the elites use for control

They convince us if we do not contribute to the collective we are bad and useless

Drugs have been used since long ago to control humans: Alcohol, coffee, prescription pain medications, cannabis and coming psychoactive mushrooms

They do all they can to convince people we are not powerful beings

There’s a concerted effort to take the strong males out of society

The elites are in fear mode because they know humans are catching on and when an animal is in fear it gets dangerous.

Jason recommends watching a documentary called, “Non Essential.”

'Jason Christoff | The Mentally Defective Parasites Build Guilt and Shame for Control of Humanity | January 3, 2023' have 2 comments

  1. January 7, 2023 @ 2:52 pm Linda

    Read this one you guys bc still not heard anything about this one. This is Mr. Global:

    The Committee of 300

    A real if you ask me and we get so see how this world is really being run… most have no clue and the facts, happenings, persons, institutions, is all genuine so far I have researched it.

    And simply put away as a conspiracy theory… but in which the agenda 2030 and following is clearly described from A to Z.. and it is from 30 years ago and is NOW happening and here we can learn how The Elite operate and to what end.

    A few examples I have seen here in a Dutch room:




    Here his is last lecture and after that, never heard nor seen him by anyone and he was just starting:


  2. January 10, 2023 @ 10:45 am Brian

    Monero is a fine privacy coin but I prefer GHOST . John McAfee co-founded it before he died and it’s better than Monero but less known. I’d invest half and half. I own both myself. There is quite a bit of misinformation out there for both coins but that’s the way the world works apparently.


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