Dr. Jennifer Daniels

Author of The Lethal Dose: Murder By Medicine is No Accident

Dr. Daniels is a former medical doctor who had her medical license suspended due to not prescribing enough drugs and truly healing her patients.
Dr.Daniels is widely considered one of the foremost Alternative Healing Physicians alive today. She graduated from Harvard University with Honors receiving a BA degree. Her education continued at the University of Pennsylvania where she received her Medical Degree (MD) and also attended Wharton where she received her MBA in

Health Care Administration.
She practiced medicine for 10 years as a Board Certified Family Practice Physician where she saw first hand the power of Natural Methods.
She has been coaching clients to successfully heal naturally since 1985.
She is the author of the award winning book, Do You Have the Guts to Be Beautiful?

Dr. Jennifer Daniels

Show highlights: 

-Changes in medical pricing since the 1940s.  1948 bill of $110 for 6 days in hospital to have a baby.

-Survival is higher if you don’t take an ambulance and don’t go to the ER.

-Dr. Daniels fix to Obamacare is to just remove the obligation to participate.

-Medicare plan kills you so they don’t need to send you that Social Security check.

-Leon asks if Dr. Daniels recommends cod liver oil.  Historically the dose was 1 tablespoon – 15 times greater than 1 capsule,  and people used cod liver oil, not fish oil.  Dr. Daniels says cod liver oil is wonderful and it’s oil from the liver and not the rest of the fish that performs the miracles.  Oxidation appears to be irrelevant.

-Tom in California asks about sending his child to a better school but one that would require new vaccinations.

-Craig says his 25 year old had antibiotics as an infant.  His behavior is unbearable and he’s had gut complaints.  What to do?

-Sean sends commendations for the bone broth remedy.

-Would Dr. Daniels recommend adding a cup of turpentine to bathwater?  A few drops is good, a capful isn’t.  Best to take turpentine internally.

-Darlene is sick from contaminated water and parasites and the doctors don’t believe her.  Get a water distiller or a cheaper filter if you can’t afford a distiller.

-Kevin is a type 1 diabetic with an insulin pump who eats figs and dates at bedtime.  Why does his blood sugar drop dramatically by morning?  Diabetics shouldn’t eat figs and dates, best carb source is whole unprocessed carbs such as rice.  Stop bedtime snacking, dial down the insulin pump at night.

Hour 2

-Eugene asks how to get rid of toe nail fungus.  Soak feet in hot water with 1 TB honey, 2 TB,vinegar, 1/4 c. epsom salts for 30 minutes.  Strip off hardened fungus.  Then drop turpentine on the toenails.  Follow Candida cleaner report.  Take cayenne and turmeric internally.

-Eileen wants to get rid of 2 strawberry hemangiomas on her scalp.  Why are they there?  They’re from bromine, found in processed beverages and bread.  Put shilajit on them.

-She says orthotics made her left knee cap bone pointed and her knee aches.  Stop using the orthotics.

-Rey is a vegan and her teeth are crumbling.  Being vegan causes your teeth to disintegrate.  She needs collagen – eat skin and fat from ham hocks.  Need the skin and fat under the skin, so beef won’t work.

-Marcel has Dupuytren’s Contracture and trigger finger.  Why are the tendons contracting?  It’s a parasite chewing away at the collagen.  Massage with turpentine, eat collagen.  Eat ham hocks and tendons.  It’s the gelatin, not the meat that is needed.

-Dallas doesn’t get hungry anymore.  Is this normal?  Yes.  It’s the unwanted guests in the body that send hunger pains.  Once they’re cleared out, you get tiredness or fatigue as a signal to eat.

-Parasites survive at pH of 3.5 or higher.   Danger of PPIs is they set the stage for even more parasites.  Parasites come from food, water.  Person-to-person spread is not accurate.  It’s contamination in food, water, or air that spreads disease.  Turpentine on sugar cubes encourages the parasites to leave – don’t need to kill them.  Take 1 tsp. turpentine on sugar once a month in the morning on an empty stomach as a preventive.

-67 year old has low testosterone, gaunt look, no muscles, unhappy Mr. Happy, on Naturethroid.  Testosterone is made from cholesterol.  Needs a high cholesterol diet.  Advise pork ribs, ham hocks, liver, plenty of water.  Want cholesterol to be 300.

-Amra’s husband has T2 diabetes, leg ulcer and lymphedema.  Diabetes is the opportunity for the ulcer.  Put A&D ointment on the ulcer for now and address diabetes.  See her “Diabetes Debacle” at Soundcloud or her website.

– How to help thyroid.  Dr. Daniels says there is no medical benefit to treating a TSH under 10.  Thyroid health is a function of output and the response of organs.  Apply turpentine to thyroid gland directly to dissolve the crud in the gland.  Strengthen the adrenals.

-Listener was told by a physical therapist that Medicare and other insurance will give advance authorization for treatment but then doesn’t pay.  Dr. Daniels says that’s standard procedure.

-Brad is sweating a lot.  It’s from toxicity.  Do a sauna or enema.

-Debbie asks about fermented cod liver oil.  Historically it hasn’t been fermented cod liver oil.

-Nancy wants to get rid of spider veins.  Needs to eat vegetables, maybe even go vegan.  Eat brown rice, vegetables.  Apply castor oil daily.

-Debbie says, isn’t pig loaded with parasites?  Yes, so poop 3X/day and take turpentine to deal with the parasites.

-Kevin wants to live part-time in Central America and is concerned about food quality.  In Panama, they grow local seasonal food for the natives and grow food for export which has chemicals and poisons in it.  Know the source.  There is no awareness of chemical dangers in Panama.  Their organic foods cater to Americans and wealthy Panamanians.

-Nancy had an afib attack after drinking a very sweet frozen fake fruit drink.  Now she’s burping.  Drinks are laced with chemicals.  You poisoned yourself.

-D asks if it is safe to eat chickpeas or well cooked beans every day?  Yes, it’s routine in Panama.

-What about fasting to maintain health?  If underweight, don’t recommend fasts, or maybe 1 day a week.  Water fasting is best 1-2 days a week.  Juice fast – don’t include fruits.  Seasonal fasting is nice, better to do weekly.

-Dan asks if there is a cure for type 1 diabetes?  Type 1 is a bunch of different disorders.  Requires a lot of patience to work with.  Once started on insulin, diabetics emotionally need to continue that insulin even when down to very low doses.  Dairy and antibiotics make Type 1 diabetes worse.

-John asks if his understanding is correct, that chronic disease is the result of the immune system compromised by stress and then infections take hold?  Chronic disease means an external event happened – bad diet, poisoning – and the body is healing.  But the bad event keeps getting repeated to maintain the disease.  E.g. diabetes – if they changed what they ate, they would heal their diabetes in 1 week.  The stress is not drinking enough water, constipation, continual ingestion of poison.

You can get Dr. Daniel’s free report on using turpentine safely and effectively.  Get the “Candida Cleaner” here.

Our favorite and to our knowledge the cleanest Pure Pine Gum Spirits Turpentine available is from Diamond G Forest Products.  You can order here.


Dr. Jennifer Daniels M.D. and Playing Doctor at home, July 25, 2017, Hour One

Dr. Jennifer Daniels M.D. and Playing Doctor at home, July 25, 2017, Hour Two

'Jennifer Daniels – Playing Doctor At Home – July 25, 2017' has 1 comment

  1. May 15, 2018 @ 7:24 pm Leon neely

    Hey hello, i just lov U…help me. o.A.B-none stop. Have had prostate C . b-4, also, colon C ., now, i been told its back colon C. In rectum..constant leakage. Please advise.


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