Joan Gregerson

Author ofTuning in to Inner Peace: The Surprisingly Fun Way to Transform Your Life and Creator of an online course called Food Freedom Naturally

How to Overcome Your Struggles with Food

Billions of dollars spent annually on weight loss programs yet 2 out of 3 Americans are overweight and obese. Most weight loss programs focus on what to eat when trying to lose weight but fail to address the critical component of why we eat and the emotional triggers that can sabotage our weight loss goals. Struggling with food issues is a mental/psychological issue, not a physical one. If we don’t modify our behavior towards food and become more aware of that issue, our weight loss will be a temporary one and that is the real problem!

The Solution: Taking a holistic view of your health

Joan Gregerson is a Holistic Health Coach who offers an online course called Food Freedom Naturally. Joan recommends visiting to access a free 1-hour introduction on how to overcome struggles with food, make peace with food choices and reclaim your ability to control your weight quickly, easily and naturally. It’s all about a supportive and caring community joining together with the common bond of overcoming a long-term struggle with food. There is no quick fix for this issue and that’s why the online course is offered for 12 months. The goal is for participants to retool their beliefs and learn new healthy habits about food. New recipes will be learned and positive attitudes will result in wanting to eat nutritious foods automatically and joyfully. That’s why this program is called Food Freedom Naturally! Starting with “why we eat,” and “how we eat” will result to “what to eat.

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Show Highlights:

-Nature is our source of healing. We are disconnected from nature and don’t feel so great. We can learn from nature. Think about it as part of your spiritual path.

-Reverence, awe, and humility for our food, life, body. Our food was here before we were.

-Joan goes through a coaching session with Patrick about why he eats some foods such as pasta to watch a movie that he wouldn’t eat otherwise.

-Foods that our ancestors ate might be what our bodies are designed for.

-Thinking about other ways than eating to prepare for an enjoyable experience.

-Have a safe food you can go to.

-Mindful eating with awareness of what you’re eating and listening to the body.

-What is the purpose of food? We have different associations with food than all other species.

-To make peace with food, you need to know if you’re living your life’s purpose.

-Why then how then what to eat?

-Living life from a place of gratitude and appreciation. Recognize how many people were involved in bringing the food to you.

-Figure it out for yourself and don’t worry if the next person thinks you’re crazy. Don’t expect that everyone can eat just a few potato chips.

-How not to ingest the stress of a heated dinner conversation?

-If food is a comfort food, it has the ability to take you from a state of stress to something calmer. Look for another way to reduce the stress.

-Learn how to eat without distractions. Think of eating as part of your spiritual practice and make it as sacred as you can.

and more!!

joan gergson and our relationship and beliefs about food and diet, march 21, 2017

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