Joey Schwartz

Carnivore Diet

Joey is an 19 year old proponent of the carnivore diet. He will attend UCLA where he hopes to continue the journey towards establishing the link between nutrition and disease. He is a firm believer in the efficacy of a carnivore diet in both curing and preventing a plethora of health issues. He has a youtube channel called Carnivore Camaraderie that he uses to share content in the form of anecdotal experiences, hard science, and interviews with professionals, all of which serve to reinforce his belief that a carnivore diet is the absolute best thing a person can do to achieve good health. Joey differs from many other people within the carnivore community due to his unique appeal to a younger demographic. He wants to build a platform that can be used to clarify misconceptions and provide tools that people can use to become healthier. He hopes that, by spreading the right message, he can improve the world and help ameliorate peoples’ health problems.

This young fellow, who has had his body for nineteen years, is moving quickly into more spiritual matters from a strict Carnivore model of just a year ago.

Sunlight, water, salt and Divine Spirit are the essential nutrients for man

Joey digs into the possible flaws in many of the Carnivore gurus out there regarding evolution and diet.

He advocates as much raw meat, vegetables and dairy vs. cooked.

He’s doing a modified Darko protocol with salt utilizing ocean water rather than sea salt.

He suggests the cherry picking things such as Oxalates and Lectins as causes of diseases is not well thought out.

Joey makes the argument that demonetization of  carbohydrates is misguided as many cultures have thrived on, for example

rice can beans.  Two foods the Carnivore and Keto folks say will cause disease.

All of us, including many in the natural alternative food space, continue to look for a silver bullet for causes and cures.

We talk about Aajonus, who Patrick interviewed many years ago and his Primal Diet.

Joey suggests one aspect Aajonus had wrong was his views on sea salt

The value of raw seafood, oysters and organ meats

'Joey Schwartz | Strict Carnivore to a More Balanced View of Diet; the Value of Spiritual Awareness | July 11, 2023' have 3 comments

  1. July 18, 2023 @ 5:02 pm Christopher Key

    Christopher Key would be an interesting guest! I’m not him nor do I work with him, by the way. But I put his contact information below in case you’re interested.


  2. July 26, 2023 @ 2:53 pm Trevor Smith

    A very-wise 19-year-old … but perhaps just a little TOO young to be giving out dietary advice! Try Dr Shawn Baker.


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