The Morning Show

Patrick Timpone

Kaayla Daniel

The Naughty Nutritionist


Have you been depriving yourself of bacon and eggs for breakfast? Using margarine for years instead of butter? Eating tofu and other soy products in the name of good health? If so, this is certainly the show for you. Everything you thought you knew about eating healthy is about to fly right out the window. This is a great interview. Don’t miss it!


Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, CCN is The Naughty Nutritionistâ„¢ because of her ability to outrageously and humorously debunk nutritional myths.

Dr. Daniel earned her PhD in Nutritional Sciences and Anti-Aging Therapies from the Union Institute and University in Cincinnati, is certified as a clinical nutritionist (CCN) by the International and American Association of Clinical Nutritionists in Dallas, and is Vice President of the Weston A. Price Foundation and on the board of directors of the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund. In 2005, Dr. Daniel received the Weston A. Price Foundation’s Integrity in Science Award.

Dr Daniel’s book The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side of America ‘s Favorite Health Food has been endorsed by leading health experts, including Drs Russell Blaylock, Larry Dossey, Joseph Mercola, Kilmer McCully, Doris J. Rapp, Jonathan Wright and many others.

Online, Dr Daniel has been featured prominently as an “Inner Circle” expert on, the world’s leading dietary and natural health website as well as and

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Kaayla daniel and the whole soy story and more, november 26. 2012

'Kaayla Daniel, Ph.D- The Naughty Nutritonist Debunks the Most Popular Myths in Nutrition – November 26, 2012' has no comments

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