Patrick Timpone
Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos
Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing
When Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos discovered a pea-sized lump in her breast, she did what any sensible woman would do: She went to see her doctor, who assured her that she was in good health and that the lump was nothing but a fibrous tumor and posed no threat. Kathleen was not convinced, particularly in light of the fact that her mother had recently died of cancer. In a dream that night, Kathleen saw her spiritual guide/guardian angel who took her hand, placed it on her breast, and said, “You have cancer right here. Feel it? Go back to your doctor tomorrow. Don’t wait for an appointment.†So began a medical odyssey that would take Kathleen and her loved ones on a seemingly endless roller-coaster ride of fear and frustration, hope and healing, and profound spiritual growth.
Show Highlights:
-Following your intuition in spite of what your doctor may think
-The messages we receive from our dreams may contain far more information than you think
-Mixing allopathic treatments with holistic ones for optimal results
-Finding the blessings in even the worst experiences and recognizing that we may have chosen those experiences for spiritual growth and to bring change to the world
and so much more!
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kathleen o’keefe-kavanos and breast cancer, november 11,2014
'Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos – Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing – November 11, 2014' has 1 comment
November 18, 2014 @ 1:04 pm Jan Agnos
​Are you kidding me?
Ms. Kadavos just proved what you SHOULD NOT DO
to treat cancer. The idea that she thinks her chemo and
Tamoxifen actually helped cure her of cancer is astonishing.
She details all the things that are verboten in the alternative
health community: cutting into the tissue (that spreads the
cancer), chemotherapy (that destroys your immune system),
Radiation (that’s proven to CAUSE cancer),
Tamoxifen (that’s proven to CAUSE cancer), and is
advocating these treatments, as long as you include some
juicing/vitamins, dream analysis and praying.
I’m sorry, but I think Ms. Kadavos just cemented my
belief that mainstream cancer treatment does not CURE
cancer, but rather CAUSES cancer!
She takes the chemo/Tamoxifin, and what does she get?–
Cancer in the other breast!
I’m so sorry about what happened to her–AND–I do believe she is serving a purpose in helping those that have cancer. But only in proving what NOT to do!
I would advise her to NEVER take any of those mainstream cancer treatments again. I would enjoin her to continue her juicing/vitamins, healthful, organic diet and prayer instead. She’d also be well-served
to get her mouth checked for cavitations/root canals and, if
necessary, get those cleaned up.