Kundalini and Kriya Yoga only take us to the doorstep of our Cosmic Journey.

Kundalini provides the wiggle power for the sperm to reach the ovum.

Charles Atlas (1892-1972) named kundalini “dynamic tension.”

Epilepsy is an example of kundalini out of control.

When the sperm penetrates the ovum, our material journey begins.

When kundalini penetrates the brain, our spiritual journey begins at the center of the forehead – the Third Ear.

(Yes, the Third EAR.)

The ovum doesn’t go to the sperm. The sperm goes to the ovum.

The ovum says, “C’mere, Big Boy!” and the sperm does all the physical work.

The brain says,”Do this and do that!” and the spine and ambulators (arms and legs) do all the work.

(What’s the strongest thing in the world? The vagina. A man’s muscles will help him MOVE the couch, but a vagina will make him BUY the couch.)

The cosmic egg hatches when we reach the medulla oblongata.

The kundalini force (Tai Qi) relates to spermal and spinal energy, and the cosmodyne force (Wu Wei) relates to ovule and cranial energy.

Breathing techniques such as Kriya Yoga take you only as far as the pineal gland – the Tenth Door.

External sound techniques such as Mantra Yoga take you as far as the diamond-shaped “hole in the head” – the anterior fontanelle.

Internal sound techniques such as listening to the Audible Life Stream and the nadis in the RIGHT EAR take you all the way to the medulla oblongata – the Mouth of God.

The medulla oblongata is the only instantaneous part of the brain.

No other part of the brain is capable of “living in the moment.”

The medulla is the “sweet spot” – the “apricot” – snipers aim for to sever the brain from the brain stem.

So guess what morning fruit is filet mignon for the medulla?

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Facebook: Atom’s School of Self Healing at Wellness-Wagon.com

We”ll be teaching the True Science of Yoga – not Faux Yoga – at Atom’s School of Self Healing. :)




'Kundalini Is the Sadie Hawkins Day of Esoteric Physiology' have 7 comments

  1. July 16, 2012 @ 8:44 pm atomb

    Kundalini power can give you the highest expression of the carbon-based body – self-realization without immortality.

    Cosmodyne power can give you the highest expression of the diamond-based body – God-realization and immortality.

  2. July 16, 2012 @ 10:36 pm atomb

    We’re carbon-based beings contaminated – in both detrimental and beneficial ways – by silicon-based, sulfur-based, and methane-based beings.

    The four castes of India are actually distorted versions of this celestial contamination.

    (1) The DAIVAS (silicon-based beings) infiltrated our Second Chakra (our astral or electrical body).

    (2) The ASURAS (sulfur-iron-based beings) infiltrated our Third Chakra (our mental or magnetic body).

    (3) The RAKSHASAS (methane-magnesium-based beings) infiltrated our Fourth Chakra (our causal or environmental body).

  3. July 17, 2012 @ 3:56 pm atomb

    There’s two types of saliva.

    One connects to the Second Chakra and the color orange, and encourages people to substitute food for sex.

    The other connects to the Third Chakra and the color yellow and encourages people to substitute food for power (or pregnancy).

    Restaurants using red want people to stay longer.

    That’s why Shakey’s Pizza uses red and plays movies to make folks sit around and drink beer.

    It’s also why stop signs are painted red, not green.

    The Diamond Saliva is created by balancing sulfocyanide with ammonia in the mouth, which requires a healthy LIVER.

  4. July 17, 2012 @ 6:27 pm atomb

    Scientific Amnesia abounds …

    Access to non-fading everlasting atomic paint (fine-tuned by Atomsmiths in the 1990s) has been so suppressed by the paint-chemical cartels, it’s VERY difficult to find info on it anywhere in any media (including cyberspace or libraries) … even though its colloidal physics were thoroughly explained by Michael Faraday (1791-1867) a long time ago!

    The actual technologies for Bargain Global Greening are corporate secrets.

  5. July 17, 2012 @ 6:28 pm atomb

    Yes, color psychology was well-researched and used in advertising well before World War I.

    Obviously, the guy has never heard of old-school propagandists like Edward Bernays (Freud’s nephew), Wilfred Bion, Gustave Le Bon, Walter Lippmann, Wilfred Trotter, and HUNDREDS of other crowd-control researchers.

    Ignorance is bliss. ;)

  6. July 17, 2012 @ 6:29 pm atomb

    I suppose he also never heard of the color diagnosis and chromo-therapy remedies of Avicenna (980-1037).

    The science of color psychology and physiology has been around for thousands of years!

    Modern corporate science reveals its hubris by claiming its modernity!

  7. July 17, 2012 @ 6:31 pm atomb

    Impressive! Many other foot reflexology charts are inaccurate.

    Medical care should be an ADJUNCT to the Reflex Sciences, NOT the other way around.

    We live in a mirror-image world! ;)

    Of course, much more detailed foot reflexology charts will be available when Atom’s School of Self Healing finally opens its doors.

    Dozens of anatomical alliteration charts are currently gathering dust in my storage unit in Ojai! <3

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