Dr. Richard Massey, MD

Your Health Questions Answered

Dr. Richard Massey joins us LIVE once a month to take health questions from our listeners. He is an MD practicing Wholistic and Natural Medicine

[email protected]
Give Dr. Massey a call for a phone consultation

Netflix movie recommendation.  Getting permission for change from our family constellation.  Constellation means “to shine together”. 

Success of somatic therapy at releasing hidden traumas in Dr. Massey’s body.

RESTORE20 for 20% off Surthrival Pine Pollen.  Special pricing on Relax sauna.

Success with various therapies.  Blood drop analysis.  EM Wave 2 to measure Heart Math coherence.  IV Ozone.  Sauna. 

Family constellation therapy suggested for a 57 year old woman with complicated family history and major injuries from an accident.  Recommend section on accidents in Jacque Martels and Gilbert Renault books, which are available from Michelle Schrader Dawson.

Doc recommends the movie Where The Crawdads Sing.

Using heavy hoofed animals to restore soil.

Strongest bonds with fallen combat veterans and their descendants.

Are we with people so we can get closer to them?

Healing from viewing a tiered arrangement of photographs of parents and grandparents and being small in front of the parents. 

Listener asks about stem cell therapy.

Are we here to experience a sense of physical limit?

Lots of leaky gut these days. What’s the cause?

Does taking aspirin cause leaky gut?  Take it with something that helps the gut lining.

What NAD supplements does Dr. Massey recommend?  Want a supplement with 700 NAD to 1 NADH ratio.  Ozone pulls the H off the NAD. 

'Dr. Richard Massey | Leaky Gut, Stem Cells, Somatic Therapy & More | August 15, 2022' has 1 comment

  1. August 17, 2022 @ 5:12 am Ron

    Just an FYI: the series on Netflix recommended by Dr. Massey can be watched with English dubbing. The settings are at the beginning of each episode.


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