Dr. Al Danenberg

Nutritional Periodontist

In August of 2019, Dr. Al Danenberg found himself in hospice care, waiting to die. He had been diagnosed with incurable multiple myeloma the year before, and retired from his 40+ years long career as a periodontist. Choosing to reject chemotherapy, and using his knowledge of the medical field, he created his 11 Unconventional Cancer Protocols, designed to support the body’s natural healing process.

By May 8, 2020, his PET Scan showed no active cancer cells, and he was feeling better than he had in years. But cancer doesn’t define his story.  Dr. Al has devoted his life to helping others regain control of their health. Now, he’s using what he’s learned to help you learn to thrive – metabolically, physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually. 

Author of:
Better Belly Blueprint
Is Your Gut Killing You?

Dr. Danenberg was feeling well, eating a paleo lifestyle, fit, a poster boy for health.  Developed soreness in right shoulder that didn’t go away but spread.  Tests showed multiple myeloma with multiple holes in bones.

Told it was an incurable form of cancer.  Given 3-6 months to live.  Doctor wanted immediate chemo, which he rejected.

A year later, he twisted and he fell to the floor because his femur and other bones broke.  Was placed in hospice facility, which was evacuated because of hurricane.  Transferred to hospice care at home.  Got physical therapy, did better, revoked hospice.  New PET scan 2 years after diagnosis was negative.

Still at home, had COVID, which meant new bone fractures because of the immune attack.

Our bodies are meant to heal.  Don’t put anything in the body to interfere with robustness of immune system.  What you don’t put in is as important as what you do put in.

The gut is where everything starts.  Gut biome is critical component of health.  Animal-based diet proponent.

Need ruminant animal meat, their organs, collagen, bone marrow.  Our bodies absorb animal-based foods better than anything.  Nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruits aren’t bioavailable.  Nutrients in them are theoretically available, but oxalates bind to them and the nutrients never get into the circulatory system.  We don’t have the enzymes from our DNA to break down the anti-nutrients, so they can’t be absorbed.

Supplements have synthetic enzymes, but these are introducing chemicals our bodies weren’t meant to consume.

Your body also needs sun, water replete with trace minerals (spring water ideal), good sleep, good exercise.

Himalayan or Redmond’s salt are good seasoning.

Is extra fat on the meat advisable?  Want high fat moderate protein ratio.  Add butter or ghee to the food.

Is the diet instrumental in his healing?  It is critical.

Since 2011 the Paleomedicina Clinic in Hungary treats only chronic diseases and cancer.  Only animal-based food given to patients, no medicines or supplements.  Has a remarkable success rate.

Dr. Danenberg uses molecular hydrogen in his protocol.  It Is the best discriminating anti-oxidant.  Cancer is a metabolic and mitochondrial dysfunction and molecular hydrogen helps that.  It brings back homeostasis and removes excessive reactive oxidation.  Reduces inflammation.  Doesn’t have side effects.  If you were a perfectly healthy human being, it wouldn’t help.

How did Dr. Danenberg get cancer?  Prevalence of cancer in dentists of his age group (70s) is high, and they get multiple myeloma.  They had high exposure to ionizing radiation from x-rays.  Also used free mercury to make amalgams.  Those conditions created one plasma cell that mutated and then spread eventually through the body.

Causes of disease: Unhealthy diet, unhealthy gut microbiome, chemicals in foods, emotional stress, poor sleep, over and under exercising, chemicals in supplements, damage in mouth and jawbone.

Receding gums.  It’s the gums facing the cheeks that recede first.  If bone breaks down from poor orthodontia, don’t have bone to hold gum in place.  Gum disease under the gum line can melt the bone away.  If the bone is healthy, you don’t get recession until the bone breaks down.

Emotional trauma is a large part of cancer.  One of the most important causal factors to all disease that is not understood by anybody.  It damages gut microbiome.  If a person is spiritually and emotionally strong, and has the will to live, that is a strong boost to health.  It stimulates healing molecules for the body.

His first book is Crazy Good Living.  Forthcoming book: Eat As If Your Life Depends On It.

DrDanenberg.com and DrDanenberg/substack.com.

'Dr. Al Danenberg | Making a Case for An Animal Based Diet | August 2, 2022' have 2 comments

  1. August 10, 2022 @ 9:53 am Sue

    If you have to eat animal to be healthy then this place is HELL.


    • August 10, 2022 @ 1:44 pm patrick

      Not sure why you believe this. Every specie is eating other species to survive. People have been eating animals since the beginning of time


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