Markus Rothkranz

Natural Health Expert

“Don’t call me expert,” Markus Rothkranz keeps saying, but emails pour in daily from all over the world about how his books and videos have dramatically changed people’s lives. From helping people who are overcoming prostate, bladder, breast and even pancreatic cancer, to helping people find the courage to achieve personal and financial freedom beyond their wildest dreams! True wellness is so much more than money. It means finding the partner of your dreams, and having the freedom to travel and do what you want. So many people feel stuck in a rut. Helping people get out of those ruts is what Markus Rothkranz excels in spectacularly.

Markus has been flown all over the world to speak, has met with heads of government, and has had the honor of being a health consultant to the US Military. His book Free Food and Medicine is a worldwide edible plant guide showing people how to use the wild plants growing in their area as food and herbal medicine. Heal Yourself 101 is probably the easiest to understand manual for natural health and healing anyone has ever read. His bestselling books The Prosperity Secret and Instructions for a New Life are modern manuals for success and freedom. The whole purpose of his books and videos are self empowerment, so the world can heal itself one soul at a time.

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Heal Yourself 101

Markus for the most part eats a raw food, vegan diet, is 56 revolutions around the sun and super productive
He talks about his journey that initiated his move into this lifestyle
Markus cautions folks to not get all wrapped up in what they eat and get consumed by it
Bitter is a natural taste for the body and generally we just don’t eat a lot of bitter foods.  The liver loves bitter
He blends his smoothies and doesn’t juice
On eating once a day: Markus generally goes all day without even water…nothing and then eats dinner over about three hours in the early evening.
He is happy, content yet extremely motivated and busy, busy with his work and passion
He says most women want bread and cheese more than anything
Some emails: Could Markus expound a bit more upon the health issues he cleared up?  Did he mention he tossed his glasses?  What time frame would the average person expect to shift to Markus’s dietary guidelines and achieve results?  Has Markus found other simple non-food practices to promote a healthy fun life, perhaps certain exercises?
Do you take any vitamin B12?
I have been following you and Cara for quite a long time. I love how you guys try to help everyone by exposing us to your lifestyle and you are very much appreciated. My trouble is hypertension. I am on two high blood pressure meds, which I found out later on I really didn’t need. My blood pressure was 140/90 at the time. I have been on these meds for about 3 years now. Now I have adopted a healthier lifestyle, lost about 52 pounds and work out 5 times a week I am trying to wean myself off of these meds and its been rough. Every time I try to get off of these meds my blood pressure spikes to really high numbers 216/140 (really dangerous). I get heart palpitations and wind up going back on these med. Do you have any suggestions for weaning off of these meds? I haven’t felt like myself since I started taking them.
Markus, Patrick has had a few guests on who are pro plant based diets but believe we cannot get all our minerals from plants alone and we may need to substitute this with some dairy. Is this your experience? How can we increase our mineral intake if our soils are deficient and we want to eat a total plant based diet.



Markus Rothkranz on eating what gives you the fuel and awareness to do the work you love and succeed, August 21, 2018




'From the Archives: Markus Rothkranz – Natural Health Expert – Eating Once A Day Gives Markus Super Energy and Motivation – August 21, 2018' have 3 comments

  1. August 22, 2018 @ 10:02 am Jalina

    Patrick will you be stocking Markus Rothkranz’s Green Formula in the near future? Sounds like an amazing powder to add for minerals.


  2. December 23, 2021 @ 11:03 am Guyfranke

    Humans are different than all other creatures. We discovered and used fire eons ago. Why should we worry whether plant enzymes are “still alive” to ingest them. Our systems make their own enzymes. Fire aids in making them more digestible. Just like plants and other living organisms can eat “dead” things and come out ALIVE after eating them.
    ….primatologist Richard Wrangham author of Catching Fire explains why our brains developed after the discovery and use of fire for cooking and rendering plant and animal tissues more easily digestible.
    Cheers !!


  3. December 23, 2021 @ 11:29 am Guyfranke

    Can you please interview Paul Saladino, MD sometime ?
    Needed: The counter-argument for this Markus fellow who sounds like he carries a huge chip on his shoulder for some reason just waiting to have someone knock it off.
    …a cognitive dissonance simmering maybe ?
    Take care.


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