Martin Armstrong

Founder of Armstrong Economics and Author of The Cycle of War & the Coronavirus and Manipulating the World Economy

The Cycle of War & the Coronavirus is the most comprehensive review of the cycle of war and civil unrest throughout history. This covers everything from tax rebellions that spark revolutions such as “No Taxation Without Representation” to international wars instigated by lies and deceptions. This goes into the rise of Marxism and its fall yet we still face yet another attempt to conquer the world by the left. You will find the entire world covered from Europe and Asia to Russia and the Middle East.

About Manipulating the World Economy: The economic theories that dominated the field during the 20th century have failed us and empowered government to believe they can manipulate the business cycle. Every economic theory presented post-Marxism has assumed that the complexity of the business cycle can be reduced to a single cause and effect. To date, no attempt to manipulate the cycle has prevented a recession or financial crisis. We now face a truly monumental crisis. Central banks around the world are trapped. Their attempt to stimulate the economy through Quantitative Easing and rate manipulation has disastrously failed. The central banks have primarily purchased government debt, effectively keeping governments on life support by allowing them to issue new debt at substantially lower rates. In addition to catastrophic Quantitative Easing policies, political fiscal spending on various programs and agencies has burdened governments with a debt that they can never repay. The future crisis is one created by government. This time, we are not likely to fix the problem without major political reform, which all governments will resist. These policies have led many to assume that government can freely create money without inflation. After creating trillions of dollars to buy government debt with no appreciable inflation, many conclude that everything has changed. They are calling this the Modern Monetary Theory. If they are correct, then why bother to have taxes or borrow money continuously with no intention of paying off national debts? Governments, in modern theory, can simply create an endless supply of money to create a new modern version of Utopia. Can we throw away all economic history for an experiment that could unravel civilization if the theory proves to be wrong? What are the risks? Can it really be that easy? Are there any examples from the past that we can look to for answers?

Armstrong Economics offers unique perspective intended to educate the general public and organizations on the underlying trends within the global economic and political environment. Our mission is to research historical cyclical patterns and market behavior in timing, price and crisis to better understand and identify potential future trends, using an extensive monetary database and advanced proprietary models.

Show highlights:

Government bonds and “elastic debt” explained

What is the difference between the U.S. Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank?

The Supreme Court dodged the issue of “Steal the Vote.”

Martin Armstrong talks about the Dred Scott decision and its effect on the American Civil War.

Who is the Triumvirate behind the Great Reset?

Four million people died during the Hong Kong flu in the 1960s — compared to one million from COVID — but “Woodstock occurred in the middle of it.”

“You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.” What does Klaus Schwab really mean when he says this?

China is “going to be the big boy on the block” by 2035.

Martin Armstrong explains how and why China will become so economically successful and will soon be the chief financial center of the world.

China is setting up their own digital currency outside of the SWIFT system.

What is creating world peace? Is it nuclear arms or is it the economy?

What created ancient Rome’s success?

Why did Julius Caesar change the calendar as soon as he crossed the Rubicon? How did he “clean the swamp”?

Martin Armstrong’s latest book is The Cycle of War and the Coronavirus (2020).

How do financial cycles work?

Patrick asks, “Who are the forces trying to get Donald Trump out of office?”

People are protesting for Trump all around the world.

What level of voter fraud occurred?

Why does the aristocracy fear populism?

Who was behind putting Christine Lagarde in charge of the International Monetary Fund?

What’s going on “behind the curtain”?

“You have to understand the difference between a sophisticated investor and someone standing in line at Starbucks,” says Martin Armstrong.

What part did Tom Paine play in precipitating the American Revolution? How does that apply today?

What about gold back when Jimmy Carter was in the White House?

Dick Cheney ran the country during the George W. Bush administration. The bureaucracy wanted someone “stupid.” The same goes for Joe Biden.

Joe Biden was picked because he won’t stand in the way of the Great Reset.

Patrick asks, “How did you get in with the big boys?,” and Martin Armstrong explains.

Most schools don’t teach anything about foreign exchange.

What’s the difference between the “political jargon” in Europe compared to the U.S.?

Is there any money to be made in today’s currencies?

What about COVID? Do viruses run in cycles?

COVID “is the most corrupt piece of propaganda in history,” affirms Martin Armstrong.

The next big crisis will be in Europe. “Capital always runs away from where the problem is.”

“The Fed doesn’t have the power to cancel the currency in the U.S. European central banks do have the power.”

How will digital currency affect the Federal Reserve?

“Where Trump has been wrong is it’s not a swamp. It’s an ocean!”

Martin Armstrong has the only fully functioning Artificial Intelligence forecasting system in the world — Socrates.

Legendary Investor and researcher in the world of finance and geo politics, Martin Armstrong, January 6, 2021

'Martin Armstrong – It’s Not a Swamp It’s An Ocean of Sludge – January 6, 2021' have 4 comments

  1. January 9, 2021 @ 3:18 pm Marge

    one of your all time best guests on econ/politics….sounds like a regular to me.


  2. January 9, 2021 @ 3:19 pm Patrik

    What Martin also needs to learn…
    He is so right here. Please DYOR on this bc this is very important now. And this little movie is a gem…

    The movie what he is talking about…


    • January 11, 2021 @ 1:40 pm Douglas John Diver

      Marty has nailed it perfectly,,though i do not believe the globalists will succed,,,,what they plan for us the people will be forced on them.
      We the people will become more free,,,the Globalists will they themselves become more enslaved.
      Don’t forget the universal law,that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction,,,this law applies to everything in the Universe.


  3. January 19, 2021 @ 1:25 pm Vanessa

    One of your best interviews , thank you Patrick !


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