Master Lui-Gino

The Master Fast System


The body has the capability to heal itself with access to the correct “INFORMATION”. No pills, doctors, herbs, food, minerals, vitamins, etc. can ever heal my body.

Cleansing and purification is a gateway of energy for reconnection to source.  Once the path is opened, it is important that one understands energy flow and direction. This is called the universal law of reciprocity (my understanding of plasma science Keshe SSI). This Universal law is put into action when you use soul-centred Intent and Emotion to guide your decision-making process. Every long journey starts with a first step. Focus only on your clearly written down goals, keep the faith and know that the Universal or Natures operating table without a knife is Divine perfection.

So, What are the options for true healing? While eating, not much, even if it’s only fruit you will plateau as eating and healing do not belong in the same sentence.

We use dry fasting as it’s as vast as the stars. MFS is a gloried dry fast.

There is dry fasting, water fasting, raw Juice fasting and here we now have the Master Fast System which uses the best of all worlds based on plasma science.

Gino began this journey in 1990 plagued with all kinds of health issues
His inspiration was the book, “The Mucusless Diet” by Professor Arnold Ehret
Gino talks about how Soul, who we are, co creates everything with Divine Spirit, including our body
He studied with Keshe Foundation and his academy for eight months and says what Keshe calls Plasma
we would know as Spirt
Cooked grape juice is used rather than raw as it is more powerful
Gino has drunk about two gallons of water the last four years – He says the more water we drink the more
dehydrated we become at he cellular level
The MFS uses charcoal, clay and psyllium husks in the program
Gino says all foods create some obstruction and fruits are the leas offenders
You hear explanations of the various fasts they employ


Learn more about The Master Fast System


Gino and fun and curious ideas and experiences on his Master Fast System, November 14, 2017 ONE

Gino and fun and curious ideas and experiences on his Master Fast System, November 14, 2017 TWO

'Master Lui-Gino – The Master Fast System – Dry Fasting – Grape Juice Fasting – November 14, 2017' has 1 comment

  1. November 22, 2017 @ 5:26 pm Oriana

    Whoa, this one was contrary to so much other info on the show. Abstain from food and water for 12 days or more?! That’s what our elder ancestors did when it came time to die. No wonder Gino desire anything at the end, he was probably on his way out. ;) I’d like to hear him try to talk to Tony P. about fats and sulfur, and with Ken Rohla about cooked vs. raw foods. Well hats off to you Patrick, for giving every viewpoint a voice.


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