Matthew Ehret

H.G. Wells’ Dystopic Vision Comes Alive With the Great Reset Agenda; How Darwinism Took Over the World

In the Time Machine, society one million years in the future has evolved into two separate species called Morlocks and Eloi. The Morlocks represent the ugly dirty producers who by this future age, all live under ground and run the world’s manufacturing. The Eloi are the effect of the inbreeding of the elite, who by this time are simple-minded, Aryan, above-ground dwellers living in idleness and consuming only what the Morlocks produce. What was the trade off?

The Morlocks periodically rise above ground in hunting parties to kidnap and eat unsuspecting Eloi in this symbiotically vicious circle of life.

This famous story was written by a young British writer in 1893 whose ideas and pioneering work in shaping new techniques of cultural warfare which profoundly affected the next 130 years of human history. These ideas led to the innovation of novel techniques of “predictive programming”, and to mass psychological warfare. In contrast to the optimistic views of mankind and the future potential envisioned by the great science fiction writer Jules Verne earlier, Wells’ misanthropic tales had the intended effect of reducing the creative potential and love of humanity that Verne’s work awoke.

To restate the technique more clearly: By shaping society’s imagination of the future, and embedding existential/nihilistic outcomes within his plotlines, Wells realized that the entire zeitgeist of humanity could be affected on a profound level than simple conscious reason would permit. Since he robed his poison in the cloth of “fiction” the minds of those receiving his stories would find their critical thinking faculties disengaged and would simply take in all trojan horses embedded in the stories into their unconsciousness. This has been an insight used for over a century by social engineers and intelligence agencies whose aim has always been the willing enslavement of all people of the earth.

While he is best known for such fiction works as The War of the Worlds, The World Set Free, The Invisible Man, The Island of Doctor Morrow, and The Time Machine, Wells’ lesser-known non-fiction writings like The Open Conspiracy, The New World Order, The Outline of History, The Science of Life and The World Brain served as guiding strategic blueprints for the entire 20th century war against sovereign nation states and the very idea of a society built on the premise of mankind made in the image of God. (continue reading)

Show highlights:

What are the roots of the Great Reset?

Matthew Ehret is a journalist, lecturer, and the founder of The Canadian Review. He details the historical precedents of today’s global agenda.

British science fiction author H.G. Wells was a part of something very nasty. The British Empire’s idea was to polarize the entire world — to divide and conquer any independent competition.

H.G. Wells worked closely with British eugenicists Julian Huxley and Leonard Huxley.

The British Empire’s Round Table Movement was an important tool of Anglo-Saxon globalism.

Phase 2 of World War I was World War 2 — global division for the profiting of corporations and banking institutions.

The British Empire worked for the spreading of pessimism.

Matthew Ehret explains why pessimistic movies like Soylent Green and Planet of the Apes are a product of deliberate global divide-and-conquer pessimism.

Most science fiction movies are dystopian and pessimistic. Matthew Ehret explains why.

He compares dystopian science fiction to that to Jules Verne, who was happy with technology as long as it included morality.

There’s 21st Century hope for Jules Verne science fiction with optimistic movies like The Martian, starring Matt Damon, a film strongly emphasizing survival and innovation.

Almost everything the oligarchs/globalists wanted to achieve has been easier than they thought.

The worst hit for the oligarchs was the election of Donald Trump. He was not one of “The Boys.”

Patrick and Matthew discuss screenwriting and Hollywood.

What does the greening of the economy have do with globalism?

What part has the vaccine played in the Great Reset?

Was COVID a distraction for something that was going to happen anyway?

Was the pandemic a cover-up for the current financial situation?

What was Marshall McLuhan’s contribution to scientific optimism?

Is social media “good” or “bad”?

The oligarchy underestimates the fact that people do have minds.

Patrick asks about Patrick Byrne.

Matthew Ehret celebrates the work of Alma Deutscher, who composed her first piano sonata at age five and wrote her first full-length opera at ten.

Questions for Matthew Ehret …

Can you explain the Great Reset? Will the Great Reset continue if Donald Trump remains in office?

How important was Maurice Strong to the Great Reset?

Was Julian Simon’s The Resourceful Earth the antidote to Paul R. Ehrlich’s population pessimism?

Patrick asks about Julian Assange.

Matthew Ehret thinks the best thing Donald Trump can do is pardon both Julian Assange and Edward Snowden. It would even win him the support of people who hate him.

Patrick concludes the show by playing a composition of the child prodigy, Alma Deutscher.

Matthew Ehret with big picture understanding of the history and ongoing geo political challenges, January 6, 2021

'Matthew Ehret – H.G. Wells’ Dystopic Vision Comes Alive With the Great Reset Agenda; How Darwinism Took Over the World – January 5, 2021' has no comments

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