Patrick Timpone

Mira and Jayson Calton

The Micronutrient Miracle

Our poor health and growing waistlines can be traced back to the hidden crisis of a micronutrient deficiency. More than 90 percent of all Americans are deficient in at least one of these health-promoting vitamins and minerals and don’t even know it.

According to nutritionists Jayson and Mira Calton, micronutrients–vitamins and minerals essential for optimum health–are being stripped from our diet and depleted by our lifestyle habits. And these deficiencies cause today’s most common illnesses. Mira herself developed advanced osteoporosis at the age of 30. But with Jayson’s help, she reversed her disease through micronutrient therapy. The Caltons’ created The Mircronutrient Miracle, an incredible cure-all program, to help you lose weight and prevent and reverse common disorders, including obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

The Micronutrient Miracle explains the truth about what you’re really eating and how your habits may be depleting essential micronutrients. It also provides an easy-to-follow 28-day plan to reverse these effects by restoring your depleted micronutrients. And the best part? This book is tailor-made to work with your lifestyle, including gluten-free, low-carb, low-fat, vegan, and Paleo recipes!

Show Highlights:

-Dr. Calton talks about reversing Mira’s osteoporosis which started them on the path to understanding the importance of micronutrients

-How the transportation of fresh foods diminish micronutrients and why eating food seasonally and locally have more micronutrients

-Great news about frozen vegetables

-Is breakfast really important or can we skip it? The Calton’s talk about the fad of intermittent fasting and tells us about their preferences for fat, protein and micronutrients in the morning

-The problem with seed oils

-Why mega dosing on certain supplements is not a good idea

-Mira tells us which national chain brands of supplements have been found to not break down in the gut thus hindering absorption

Mira and Jayson Calton

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mira and jason calton with great info on micro nutrients, august 4, 2015

'Mira and Jayson Calton – Preventing and Reversing Disease with Micronutrients – August 4, 2015' has 1 comment

  1. August 9, 2015 @ 10:48 am Dianthus

    Great show only they have no idea the difference between natural vitamins vs synthetic because they have synthetic vitamins in their multi and you paid 60 dollar for it? Crap like all the others in my eyes! For a real multi with all natural vitamins and minerals look for SunWarrior and all of their nutrients will all be absorbed. Look there is a Hugh difference between natural forms of nutrients from food source and synthetic crap and all the evidence of not absorbing the vitamins ect. have all to do with the synthetics, not the naturals and when the body have no need for a specific nutrient at the time of taking it, even if it’s natural then the body does nothing with it. And avoid calcium in multi’s and Iron in Multi (for men) because that is also not good at all!

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