Andrew Gause

Andrew Gause may just be the top man anywhere for the highest quality analysis into the world of money we all live in. Andrew is a currency historian, an internationally recognized expert on the United States monetary system. He’s written two books, “The Secret World of Money” and “Uncle Sam Cooks the Books”. You can order these books as well as speak to Andrew personally. As a One Radio Network listener, you’ll have highest priority in his phone time. His # is 800.468.2646

The Real World of Money Reworked

Show Highlights:

-Why is it that in all the debates, no one has ever mentioned a tariff; the only way we can keep jobs in America, according to Andrew, is through tariffs

-Is a new dollar coming soon?

-Stimulating the economy: Andrew likes Donald Trump’s tax plan, anyone making less than $50,000 should not pay taxes

-Andrew explains why gold is at artificially low levels

-What should you do with extra money? Is artwork a good idea?

-Do the bankers own Reuters? Andy asks if the question is a joke

-Why is it important for China to be in the SDR basket?

-What makes Andrew so uncomfortable with Bitcoin and Bitgold? Apparently, with the company Bitgold, you can use this as a bank account with every penny converted to gold immediately within 1% of the spot price. You can receive physical gold at your request and you can send people currency or physical gold from your account. You can also invoice from this account and get payments directly into it. Andrew sounds off and tells horror stories of other companies that eventually went under leaving customers broke

-The listener who sent Andrew the question about Bitgold writes to respond to Andrews words:My interest in BitGold is not to send gold for prepaid credit cards. It is to send fiat currency and hold this balance in physical gold. I think you may have missed this.If it’s like Bit Coin, it’s Bit Coin backed with physical gold. Isn’t the fact that Bit Coin isn’t backed by anything real Andys problem with it? Your BitGold balance can be converted into gold immediately and they’ll send you gold.I see this as a way to hold a bank balance in the form of gold. You see no value to this compared to holding dollars in a normal type of bank.

-A listener in Canada loves their newly elected leader and asks:do you think that people in USA are going to wake up and bring in a fresh vibrant leader. Someone who is Libertarian in nature? Who would you choose? Someone who will step down the military industrial joke complex and create a strong vibrant country? This whole thing that John McCain was doing in Syria is an incredible mess. Does anybody in USA realize the mess he was creating to justify the business of the “military industrial mickey mouse complex”? Is it true that 100 million people in USA are on welfare?

-The Nov 5th H.4.1 release from the Fed showed an increase of almost $92 billion in

Reverse repurchase agreements (14) 372,185 + 46,232
Foreign official and international accounts 199,888 + 12,601
Others 172,297 + 33,632

Is this back door QE IV?

-Question from a listener:Interesting week. How many people didn’t understand Senator Rand Paul’s opening statement about the FED and how it works, I picture you dancing in your living room (thanks to sulfur). What do you think about the idea that we may be in the very beginning of when an idea, How the FED really works, moves from the innovators stage (your younger more fiery days lol) to the early adopters stage, today.

and so much more!!!

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andrew gause and the real world of money, november 11, 2015, hour one

'Andrew Gause and The Real World of Money – It’s Possible a New Dollar is Coming – November 11, 2015' has 1 comment

  1. November 13, 2015 @ 1:16 am Chris Holliman

    Negative interest Rates are coming. But most likely as before when we had a soviegn debt crisis in 1927 to 29 raise interest rates first. Banks will be charging (Taxing) to keep money cause Paper money will be outlawed.


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