
Patrick Timpone


Jim Willie

The End of the American Empire

Jim WillieJim Willie comes from US industry with three main fields of statistics covered. He earned a PhD in Statistics at Carnegie Mellon Univ in 1980. The three fields are Quality Control in manufacturing, Marketing Research in computer technology, and Sales Forecasting in retail. Since 2004, the “Golden Jackass” has been running the Hat Trick Letter, a newsletter that focuses on gold, currencies, central banks, and the economies. His numerous correct forecasts on important developments toward the global breakdown have gained considerable attention, if not notoriety. The current major forecasts include the rejection of the USDollar as global reserve, the installation of the Eurasian Trade Zone, the flipping east by Germany, Turkey, Saudi, and Japan, and the return of the Gold Standard. The return will come through the trade window, not the currency window. The acceleration of systemic breakdown events has come in earnest during January here, exactly as forecast.


Show Highlights:

-Willie says there is a strong contingent of powerful “Good Guys” ex military who are tired of
the status quo; andthere are extremely wealthy Chinese Elders who are sick and tired of “The Boys” andtheir destruction of the Planet.

-There are three major factions who run the world….for now; who are they?

-Germany is actively looking for credible ways to exit the Euro Zone, political and currency

-The dollar is losing market share, as we speak, with the emergence with BRICS

-The amount of gold Russia and China has will curl your hair

-The U.S. is out of gold

-Putin kicked the Rothchild’s out of Russia a few years ago

-The Vatican is loaded with assets on all levels and it goes back over a thousand years

-Willie explains how oil got to $45 a barrel today

-It’s all about derivatives and not supply and demand for all major assets

-Just how did the Swiss pull off keeping the Euro peg for the last three years

-The dollar may have strong numbers today but is weak at heart

-Willie’s take on ISIS, their origin and what they are up to

-The Global Currency Reset is real and in motion

-There will be a new, improved dollar someday that will be as worthless as the current one

and so much more!



jim willie on finance and geo politics on steroids, january 26, 2015, hour one

'Jim Willie – The End of the American Empire: Big, Powerful, Nasty & Ugly Days Ahead – January 26, 2015' have 6 comments

  1. January 27, 2015 @ 2:39 pm Art

    It would be nice if these podcasts were downloadable so I could listen off line on my mp3 player while I’m gardening or shoveling snow.


  2. January 27, 2015 @ 3:00 pm ptimpone

    The pod casts are indeed downloadable, see the download button above the play button. You can also sign up for ITunes feed and get them automatically in in box. Easy peasy. Enjoy


  3. January 28, 2015 @ 10:56 pm Cheryl Johnston

    This is what a previous guest, Foster Gamble said! I believed it then and it is so good to hear it now, Thank you Mr. Willie!!!


  4. January 31, 2015 @ 1:26 am Simon M

    Excellent show, thank you Patrick. I definitely feel like I have just taken the red pill.


    • March 21, 2015 @ 6:04 pm sheryl

      I love to listen to Jim Willie.


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