The bubble fusion power source depicted in the movie, Chain Reaction, 1996, is an ordinary piano.
This movie – starring Keanu Reeves, Morgan Freeman, and Rachel Weisz – is based on scientific fact. The piano is used to modulate the actual energy source, which are the the barely audible sounds made by the collapsing of tiny bubbles, causing both flashes of light and boundless energy.
This phenomenon of sound being transformed into light and energy is known as SONOLUMINESCENCE or cavitation-induced luminescence.
In the beginning was the Word, and the words were, “Lights! Camera! Action!â€
Not mentioned in the film is the fact that the piano note collapsing the bubble is in the vicinity of 25,000 cycles per second and 110 decibels.
In Chain Reaction, the temperature inside the bubbles reached TWO million Kelvin.
At the present time, scientists are only up to ONE million kelvin and pressures equal to a BILLION TIMES that of atmospheric pressure at sea level. All that action out of tiny bubbles!
The “hot spot†in a collapsing bubble is adiabatically heated, its temperature rising without adding any heat energy.
Well-publicized but controversial sonoluminescence research is currently being done by Rusi Taleyarkhan at Oak Ridge Laboratory in Tennessee, using bubbles bursting in acetone to produce tritium plus energy by fusing hydrogen nuclei together.
Some researchers are using trace amounts of argon gas to enhance the sonoluminescent effect.
Earth’s air at sea level contains 0.93 percent argon, and perhaps this atmospheric gas was necessary for the creation of life as we know it on our planet.
Sonoluminescence also exists outside of the laboratory. For example, snapping shrimp exhibit a type of sonoluminescence dubbed … “shrimpoluminescence.â€
Peter Weiss (“Shrimps spew bubbles as hot as the sun,†Science News, Oct. 6, 2001) wrote, “Cavitation bubbles in synovial fluid may even explain the sound of ‘cracking’ knuckles, he [Kenneth S. Suslick of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign] ventures. And if that’s the case, he says, ‘I’d be willing to bet pitchers of beer that cracking knuckles will also generate small amounts of luminescence.’â€
'Next Time You Crack Your Knuckles' have 3 comments
March 5, 2012 @ 10:06 pm atomb
Swami Nitty-Gritty said …
“The sperm is light and the ovum is sonics.”
Maharaj Sawan Singh (Philosophy of the Masters, Series I, 1963) wrote …
“Rishis obtained knowledge by inner practice. This fact is mentioned in the Vedas, Upanishads, and other Hindu Scriptures. Buddha also made mention of the Sonorous Light, that is, the Shabd within Light.”
This (and the info on sonoluminescence) is from Vol. 4 of Butterflies Need No Taxidermist, available at …
FB: Atom’s School of Self Healing at
March 6, 2012 @ 12:19 am atomb
BILIARY BLADDER FILE (Gall Bladder means “sore bladder.”)
cobalamin syrup (coffee, cocoa, & maple syrup)
olive oil (After taking olive oil, lie on right side and massage related neurolymphatic points.)
pear (unless it causes pear-related migraines)
carbonated beverages (anytime)
fried foods (anytime)
nut butters (anytime)
red meat (anytime)
apple cider vinegar & olive oil (no other salad dressing)
whole cream (a tablespoon or so)
yellow crookneck squash
carbonated beverages (anytime)
chocolate (midday or evening)
coffee (midday or evening)
fried foods (anytime)
nut butters (anytime)
red meat (anytime)
ginger (helps process lipids)
turrneric (esp. helps prevent septic stones)
yellow dock
carbonated beverages (anytime)
chocolate (midday or evening)
coffee (midday or evening)
fried foods (anytime)
nut butters (anytime)
red meat (anytime)
The biliary bladder (gall bladder) is a pear-shaped musculomembranous pouch beneath the right lobe of the liver.
Gall bladder literally means “sore bladder.”
Many doctors allege that people with small gall bladders have less problems than those with larger gall bladders.
Spinal reflexes associated with the gall bladder include T2, T4, and T6.
Oriental Medicine classifies the gall bladder and liver as Wood organs. Wood represents assertion, determination, anger, frustration, and hopelessness.
The lack of self-assertion (gall bladder) stores anger (in the liver).
Oriental Medicine regards optimism, hope, and “visions of the future waiting to be realized” as attributes associated with the gall bladder.
The gall bladder is alleged to be the “Official of Decision-Making and Judgment.” It is associated with the need for control.
The gall bladder is said to be responsible for helping one stay in (1) control of oneself and of (2) one’s external conditions.
Angina is associated with the gall bladder. The word “angina” is from angere, which means “to constrict,” “to tighten.” Symptoms of angina include tightening, pressure, indigestion, a lump in the throat, coughing, and a need to keep swallowing. Associated psycholinguistics include phrases such as “I mean,” “you know,” etc.
Shouting or screaming are beneficial to the gall bladder.
Upside-down therapy on either a slant-board or “gravity machine” helps the gall bladder clear debris.
March 6, 2012 @ 11:37 am Ryan
“‘I’d be willing to bet pitchers of beer that cracking knuckles will also generate small amounts of luminescence.’â€
or maybe even large amounts…Mr. Weiss?? ; )