Niaby Codd

Author of The Spirit of Life

The Spirit of Life: Book, Channeled with the Spirit of Merlin, Empowers Readers to Reconnect with their Divine Wisdom

Niaby Codd had felt the deep yearning for personal healing, as she faced her own demons and battled with poor health. Unexpectedly, it was a spirit that would ultimately save her, empowering Niaby to dedicate her life to helping others to heal.

Her service to the spirit of Merlin the wizard channeled a profound and life-changing book, ‘The Spirit of Life’. It’s a bold oracle that moves readers to a place where they can reconnect with their divine wisdom, knowledge and power – as they redefine truth to finally live life on their own terms.

While the book was channeled to Niaby in 2015, Merlin would not permit the release of it until last year. There couldn’t be a better time for Niaby to be promoting it to the world, as humanity collectively cries out for clarity.

The Spirit of Life is a book of inspiration and meaning. For so long now, man has disconnected further and further from his truth, and in so doing, has disconnected from all that makes him whole. 

We are now on the epicentre of the hugest shift that has ever been seen on our planet. The Spirit of Life book seeks to guide man through his eternal search for knowledge and wisdom by helping him to connect with his own gifts, his own wisdom and his own inner knowing and power.

Show highlights:

We ask Niaby what she thinks the whole COVID fiasco is doing to the collective on a spiritual basis

We are going through an ascension process; everything is in line with the Divine

Niaby tells us about what’s so magical about Ibiza; why she stopped drinking alcohol and how that changed her life

Unplugging from the system

Finding the positivity amidst the COVID crisis

Breaking points; from the darkness comes the light

Niaby tells us how she turned around her very poor health

How Niaby sees all this playing out in the future

and so much more!

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Ms. Naiby Codd and a fun informative chat about who we are, why we are and where we are, November 23, 2020

'Niaby Codd – Author of The Spirit of Life; We are going through an ascension process; everything is in line with the Divine – November 19, 2020' have 2 comments

  1. November 23, 2020 @ 3:06 pm Ron

    Alcohol: Arabic origin from the word Al-Khul meaning “body eating spirit”.


  2. November 28, 2020 @ 2:23 pm Dianthus

    Merlin has no idea bc Spirit is just one aspect of it all and does he now that we also split our spirit off our Soul at the end at the 7 light Sphere where we go to the next Cosmic Degree? Wel if he does not, then he does not now bc we are Soul and Soul is Godlike, not spirit like. Spirit we will lay down when times comes but not our Soul and that is the Truth!


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