Professor John Beard (1858-1924) – an early proponent of the trophoblastic theory of cancer – proposed cancer was pregnancy at the wrong time and place.

Pregnancy is a specializedHIGH NITROGENsort of cancer, whereas cancer is aLOW NITROGENsort of pregnancy.

Pregnancy sometimes “cures” cancer and sometimes causes it.

Cancer during pregnancy is rare.

Both pregnancy and cancer suppress the immune system.

Nitrogen – the Green Giant – protects against cancer.

Conventional Wisdom: The more protein in food, the higher the nitrogen content.

Wiser Wisdom: The more amino acids in food – including free form amino acids, nucleic acids, unbound glutamine, and purines – the higher the nitrogen content.

This switches the focus from nitrogen in meat, eggs, and dairy to nitrogen in raw fruits and vegetables.

L-glutamine (mentioned above) becomes conditionally essential during trauma, injury, burns, radiation, chemotherapy, cancer, and pregnancy.

Ovulating less frequently is a protection against cancer – and an anti-aging strategy.

A woman’s menstruation can be entrained to an annual or semiannual rhythm instead of the monthly one occurring in a Western cultural context. The British sexologist and social reformer Havelock Elis (1859-1939) covered this subject extensively – yet another example of medical amnesia.

Bloating is often associated with cancer.

Perhaps the opposite needs to be researched – that cancer is associated with bloating.

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